Keadlyn (the selection) | Hide 'n' seek

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This is when they are younger, Ahren and Eadlyn are both seven, Kile is eight, and Joise is five

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"Fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty. Ready or not, here I come."

Seven year old Eadlyn ran around frantically in search of a hiding spot, until she spotted a giant armoire and quickly shuffled over, pulling on the door handle.

She started to scramble inside until she heard," hey! This spot is taken find your own spot princess,"eight year old Kile say boldly.

"No! This is my castle I'm not going anywhere!", Eadlyn fired back.

"I'm not moving." "Me neither." "I got here first." "I'm the princess of Illé-"

"Shhhh I think I hear Joise coming," Kile said putting his finger over Eadlyn's mouth.

"Ew get your finger off-" Eadlyn squirmed wiping her mouth with the back of her hand furiously.

"I'm serious be quiet!" She finally did as told and they sat in silence while they heard Kile's five year old sister skip by the armoire quietly singing a song.

" twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so..." Her voice drifted off as she continued down the corridor.

"Okay I think we're safe," Kile states."yeah that was a close o-"

"Gotcha!!!" Josie screamed while flinging open the armoire door.

"Nice going Kile you blew our spot! It's all your fault, so this time you have to count!" Eadlyn accused pointing her small finger at him.

"No! If it weren't for you then I wouldn't have talked and I wouldn't have be found!"

"Hey gu-" Joise tried to get their attentions to no avail.

"Kile, Ead-," she was cut off again by their bickering.

"I don't even know why I play with you your so childish! I swear Kile your so annoying!"

"I am a child! I'm only eight! You can't even have fun your so uptight! Can't we just play a game of hide and seek for fun without any-"

"GUYS!" That finally got their attention having them look at Joise in shock not thinking she was capable of being so comanding.

"Don't I still have to find Ahren?" She asked innocently.

"No I'm right here I just thought it was funny seeing my sister yell," Ahren said walking out from behind the curtain by the window.

"But to settle your argument you both have to be it  because she found you at the same time."

"What?! No! I don't want to be stuck with him," Eadlyn whined crossing her arms.

"Well I don't want to be with her either!"

"Just go count! I want to hide," Joise said pouting, " please brother?"

"Ugh, fine," Kile sighed," you owe me."

"Yay! Com'on Ahren lets go find a hiding spot!" She squealed excitedly, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

"Okay let's start counting," Kile said annoyance etched on his face.

"Fine but I'm not happy," Eadlyn said uncrossing her arms," man, I'm really tired, yelling wore me out," she giggled slightly.

"Me to I guess," Kile stated and yawned while covering his face with his hand.

"Let's count," Eadlyn said.

They started counting in unison," one, two, three, four, five..."until they got to forty-five.

"Fo-orty-five, Forty-six,"Eadlyn stopped for a moment," Ki-ile I'm tired I-i think I'm going to ta-ake a nap," she said sinking to the floor.

"No, no we ha-ave to ke-ep counting," he argued but slumped to the floor beside her," I guess a quick nap wouldn't hurt"

Eadlyn giggled in response and rested her head on his shoulder nudging her nose into the crook of his neck, him wrapping his arm around her waist to keep them up straight. And then they both drifted off into slumber.

<<<<<<                                    >>>>>>

"Well well what do we have here?" Queen America stated looking at the two children with her friend Marley.

"I always thought they would be cute together," Marley squealed with delight, "I only wish I had a camera with me."

"Oh, you mean one of these?" America asked taking out a camera from one of her dress pockets and handing it to Marley.

"Only you would think to carry around a camera, America, only you," she laughed quietly while shaking her head and snapping a couple of pictures.

Then the two kids started to stir from the noise.

"Oops! Better go don't want to get caught!" Marley exclaimed while her and America quietly tiptoed away from their sleeping children and ran off to show their husbands the pictures they just captured.

<<<<<<                                >>>>>>>

"What's taking them so long?" Ahren asked, peeking his head out of the closet.

"I don't know, but I hope they didn't forget about us," Joise giggled popping up from under the bed.

"How could they? Where they siblings." He exclaimed.

"Maybe they fell asleep while counting," Joise thought looking at Ahren with a toothy grin.

"Yeah right, falling asleep on the job, sure sounds like something Eadlyn would do," he scoffed and chuckled at the absurd thought.

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I'm not sure what Eadlyn and Kile's ship name is and I tried looking it up on google but nothing came up so I just went with Keadlyn cuz I thought it was kinda cute, but if you know the 'offical' name please tell me. Also if the character don't really act like their self's I apollogize I haven't read 'The Heir' in a long time and if the way the kids act or how they speak isn't really accurate I apollogize again because I don't have any younger siblings to compare with. Until later, Adieu


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