Chapter 4

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Your POV

As we were eating our dinner the Jauregui family was in a deep conversation in any subject and i was the only one not talking well i was just listening to their conversation, "So Lauren do you have a girlfriend?" Clara asked Lauren looked at her "Mom i don't" she said "Why not? you're in college already" she nodded "I know, well when the time comes" i look down slightly upset. Because well she might not like me anyway. I sipped on my drink and got up "i'll just go to the bathroom" i said they nodded and i walk to the bathroom and did my business, when i got out i washed my hands and walked out. I looked around the restaurant and when i saw them i walk back and sat down Lauren looked at me i glanced at her but quickly look away to eat. After dinner Mike paid and we all started to walk around "Ooohh can we have ice cream?!" Taylor and Chris said smiling Lauren also smiled at her parents "Yeah please?" their parents nodded and they ran to an ice cream shop. When Chris saw me not running he ran back to me and carried me bridal style "Chris! i can walk!" i whine he chuckled and put me down once we were there, "you were too slow, now what do you want?" he said looking at the ice cream flavors. "I don't want any" i said shaking my head "What why?" Taylor asked i shrug "Just don't want any" well i do want one but i don't have any money and it's really embarrassing and rude just to get money from Chris.

"Aren't you buying anything?" Lauren asked i shake my head "No i don't want any" i said smiling at her slightly she stared into my eyes making me blush and look away "What flavor do you want?" i look at her confused. I shake my head "Lauren it's okay, i don't want ice cream" she smiled "I'll buy you a random one if you don't answer" i shake my head again "Lauren please don't. I'm not into ice cream" she chuckled and got her wallet out "Everybody loves ice cream" she said giving me her beautiful smile i bit my lip and stare at her beautiful face "One more time, what flavor?" i shake my head again. She rolled her eyes playfully "One vanilla and one cookies and cream please" i pouted well since i love cookies and cream, she turned to me she laughed at my face "You're welcome" i sigh "thank you, i don't have a choice anyway" she smiled and got the ice cream. Man! the ice creams here are so big! "Here you go" i smiled and got it "Thank you again Lauren i'll pay you when we get home" she shake her head "Don't bother, i won't accept it either" i look at her pouting "but Lauren-" she shake her head "Shhh...that's yours" i was about to talk again but she placed her finger on my lips. "Nope" she winked at me before walking away i stared at her but then i look away again well since it's embarrassing when her parents saw me staring at her. "Hey! you said you didn't want any" Chris said looking at my ice cream "I didn't, Lauren bought it for me" i mumble he smiled "Aw my sister is so sweet" i shrug and lick the ice cream.

"Yo Lauren! How come you didn't buy me one?" Lauren roll her eyes "Because she's not buying anything so i wanted to buy one for her" she said shrugging she then placed an arm around Taylor's shoulders kissing her cheek with her creamy lips. I chew on my bottom lip as i saw Lauren and Taylor beginning to joke around, she's so sweet and cute! Chris nudged me making me look at him "your ice cream is melting stop staring at my sister" he smirked i look at him weirdly "I'm not staring at her" i said licking the ice cream. When i finished the ice cream all i have was the cone i smiled and ate it i love cones so much i don't know i just do, i look around and saw Clara and Mike were in a coffee shop talking and smiling, "Come Y/N we'll go to the arcade" Chris said holding into my hand "did you ask mom and dad?" Lauren said eyeing our hands. He nodded "Yeah mom said that it's okay since you're an adult" Lauren shrug and walked with us we walk up and went inside the arcade, Taylor and Chris had big smiles on their faces and began to get the tokens. I sighed when they left me alone "Come on let's try the claw machines" i heard Lauren say behind me as she held my hand and walk to counter to get tokens. I was looking around with my mouth slightly open and i didn't even notice that Lauren was done buying tokens and she was just staring at me with a smile, i look at her and blush she giggled and pulled me to the claw machines.

When we got to one machine i smiled widely well the stuffed toys are so cute!! this one has Rilakkuma bears, i looked through the glass and giggle at how cute they are "Wanna try to get one?" Lauren asked i look at her. "Are you sure? i mean that's your money" she smiled "Go on" she said handing me two tokens, i bit my lip and put them on the machine hope i get lucky well here we go, i started moving the claw and aim for one bear and let it drop. But once it got up it fell i pouted and move away from the machine "Do another one" i shake my head "No i feel like i'm wasting your money" i whine "Come on do it" she said giving me a beautiful smile i sighed and got another two tokens and put them inside. Gosh this embarrassing, i started moving the claw again and pushed the button but again once it got up it fell i frown and move away "Not doing anymore" i said holding my hands up in defense she laughed and shake her head. "Here let me try" she said and placed it inside she then looked at the bears i stare at her as she focused on the bears i smiled at how focused she was she looked so adorable. Then when i heard the claw going down i look at the machine and it got a bear from the head and then it brought it to the little box and drop it, my jaw dropped and look at Lauren who excitedly got it. "See i got one!" she said showing me the bear i pouted "congrats i don't want this machine" she laughed "come i'll try and help you" she said holding her hand out for me, i stare at it then look up to her raising an eyebrow "how?" she shrug "let's see" i squint my eyes at her and all she gave me was a cute smile.

Once i put the tokens inside i felt her body behind me making my breath hitch she held my hand and she began to move the claw "Which one would you like?" she asked from my neck i gulped since she was so close to me. "That one" i said randomly "Alright now aim for the head.." she said as she move the claw her hand slightly squeezing my hand as we move "now go press the button" she said moving away i look at her "What if it fall again?" she shake her head "doesn't matter we'll do it again" i raised an eyebrow. "You're wasting so much money" she shrug "It's fine i got savings" she said smiling i sighed and pressed it and watch as the claw goes down to get the bear and when it got the head it didn't fall. Then it brought it to the little box my eyes are wide and Lauren laughed "go get it" she said i bent down and got the bear, i looked at it and smiled "Woah" she laughed and gave me an unexpected hug. I smile and hug her back "now we both have them" i smile at her and she wink at me before pulling me to another claw machine, this girl loves stuffed toys i just know it! An hour later we got four stuffed toys well we got two each. She actually got the big fluffy panda for me and i got her the big fluffy dog, i was actually so proud when i got it i like jumped to her arms and gave her a huge hug.

After we played some games Lauren wanted to walk around with me as Chris and Taylor are still playing she told her dad that she's just walking around with me and they said it was okay, well for me i'm a little nervous well because she's my crush and she wants to walk with me? Which means alone time with her, talking to her, looking at each other. I'll be awkward for sure, i look around as we walk and we were in an awkward silence "So Y/N, do you have any siblings?" she asked looking at me i shake my head "No i don't" i said smiling she nodded "Do you have pets?" i pout and shake my head again "I do want one but my parents won't allow it" we then sat on a huge rock. "Why?" i shrug "Cause they hate pets, they said pets make noises all the time, poops everywhere" i said frowning she stared at me and sigh "Well what kind of pet would you want?" she ask i bit my lip and look to the sky "I want a puppy" i said smiling then look at her. She smiled at me sweetly "Why a puppy?" i shrug "I don't know, they're just cute and really fluffy and comfy. They like bark at strangers and i love playing with them, and petting their heads. They're just adorable" i said and then frown "But i can't have one" Lauren looked down then i glance at her "Are you okay?" she nodded "Yeah, i just.... have a thing with dog lovers" i stare at her and she shrug "Nothing really, come wanna go to Starbucks where my parents are?" i shrug "If you want to?" she bit her lip and look around.

"Nah i wanna get to know you more" i blush and nodded as we continued to walk around while talking, we bought- well she bought snacks for us while we talk and yeah it's really fun to be with her honestly.

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