Chapter 13

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Your POV

When i was about to walk to the kitchen i felt Lauren pull me back i smile and hug her "This is the best birthday ever!" she smiled and pick me up then twirled me i squeal and held her close to me, "before we eat i want you to meet a group" i look at her confused then she put me down. "Well i want you to meet them because they literally kept bugging me saying that they want to see you" i was still confused she smiled and knock on a wall and i stare at her still confused. Then suddenly girls i didn't know started running down the stairs "FINALLY!" a short girl said suddenly i felt a person crush my body i then noticed it was Camila i smile and hug her "HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MI AMOR!" i giggle "Thank you Camila" she kissed my cheek and walk to the other girls who had big smiles on their faces. Lauren sighed and walk to me she snaked an arm around my waist and pull me close and all of the girls were eyeing Lauren's hand but quickly went back to my eyes and smile. "Well Y/N, these are my idiotic nuggets" Lauren said giggling while the four girls wave excitedly "So this is Ally, Normani, Dinah and of course you know Camz" she said "Ye-yuh!" Camila said they all raised an eyebrow at her making her shrug "What?" i laughed and smiled "Hello i'm Y/N-" "Y/N we saw you on Skype!" Ally said excitedly i smile "Oh yeah" "Can we go and hug her now?" Dinah asked Lauren stepped away and nodded. Then suddenly four girls hugged me tight.

They pulled away and smiled "Okay okay so you start Ally" Camila said and they started humming i was confused on what they were doing and then suddenly they sang "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you.." they sung in beautiful harmony until they stopped and look at Lauren and smiled. I look at Lauren too and she blushed "Happy Birthday my Angel, Happy Birthday to you" Lauren sung in her beautiful voice then the girls cheered and i hugged Lauren tight. "I didn't know you could sing" i mumble to her ear she chuckled "Well there are some things you don't know about me Angel" i smile and kiss her cheek. "Your voice is definitely beautiful" she blushed and kiss my forehead "Alright love birds, mama's hungry so we better eat or else i'll go crazy" Ally said the girls laughed and pulled me away from Lauren making her whine. We then entered the kitchen and ate. When it was already 10pm i knew i had to go home "Lauren i have to go home" i said frowning "No you don't i talked to your mom and told her your sleeping over until Wednesday" i smile "Really?" she nodded "Thank you so much Clara" she nodded and smile at me "No worries sweetie" i then turn to Lauren who was petting Mocha's head. I kissed her cheek to get her attention which i did i smile "Thank you again Lauren" she nodded "You're welcome now let's get some sleep" i nodded and went inside her duvet she then placed Mocha to her little bed and then Lauren slipped beside me and we fell asleep.


I woke up and was about to move but i felt someone's arms around my waist tighten i turn my head and smile when i saw Lauren still sleeping, she nuzzled her face to my neck and pulled me back to her body. I sigh and check my phone for the time and i had 35 minutes to get ready for school i sigh and slowly turn to Lauren her lips were parted slightly and i smile at her cute face, i lean down and kiss her cheek. "Lauren" i said softly i kissed her cheek again "Lauren" i said again i lift my self up a bit and peppered her face with kisses, she groaned making me smile "I have to go to school" i said she open one eye and close it again "No can you stay in today?" she rasped out "No i have school Lolo" she frown "Mom said it's okay when you don't go to school because Chris won't want to since he got so tired last night" she said i raised an eyebrow at her "it's true" she mumble i chuckled "But Lauren" she yawned "Please?Just for today?" she pouted i sigh "Are you sure Chris isn't going to school?" she nodded and pull me back to her arms. I sigh and pulled the duvet to our shoulder and i felt Lauren's arms wrapped around my waist again and pulled me closer to her she then nuzzled her face to my neck and i fell asleep.

Lauren's POV

Soon i woke up stretching my arms i look over to my right and saw Y/N still sleeping i yawned and slowly got up i walk to my bathroom and washed my face, when i was done i got a clean towel and wiped my face. I look at the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair and flip it to one side, i walk back to my room and kneel beside Y/N as she sleeps i smile and kissed her cheek before standing up then exited my room. I walk downstairs and saw nobody is here well the girls are probably upstairs sleeping, mom and dad are at work Taylor in school Chris might be in his room. Hm.. i'm the only one awake then? suddenly i heard little footsteps i turned around and smiled i picked up Mocha in my arms and kiss her head "Good morning baby" i cooed she barked making me smile. I walk to the kitchen and placed her down as i cook breakfast, when i was done i left the ones for the in the table and i got Y/N's meal and walk upstairs. When i got up i slowly opened the door and put her breakfast on the table i look at Mocha who was eyeing her food i glare at her "don't eat her food" i whispered she look at me and wiggle her tail. I rolled my eyes and put her on the bed, i kissed Y/N's nose and then pepper kissed her face making her whine "Mm... Lauren?" she mumble "Good morning Angel" i said she yawned and rub her eyes.

When she saw me she smiled "Good Morning Lolo" i smile and stood up getting her the small table and put it on her lap as she pet Mocha "Here, i made breakfast in bed" i said putting her meal on the table she smile. "Lauren you don't have to do this, i could just walk downstairs" i nodded "I know but you're still the birthday girl" she rolled her eyes and pull me down beside her. "You have to eat it with me then?" i shake my head "I just uh ate" i lied she raised an eyebrow i bit my lip and shrug "Come on Lolo" i sighed and nodded "Only if you want me to" she nodded with a smile. "Oh yeah i have to feed Mocha" i said standing up "Mocha" i called then whistled she barked then jump off the bed and walk to me while wiggling her tail. I smile and put dog food in her small dog bowl and she started eating, i walk to Y/N again and she held up a piece of waffles i opened my mouth and she put it in. I smiled and she giggled i look at her and she was focused on her food, i really can't help but stare at her she's just so beautiful i mean her personality is beautiful too. I know i never had time for girlfriends and relationships but there's something different about her, like i would make time for her she's like a distraction to me. A good distraction, it's like i was so happy i came not only because i saw my family again, i also met her if i didn't come back i wouldn't have met her.

"Lauren?" i blinked and saw her staring at me then giggled "You okay?" i nodded and cleared my throat "Yeah why did you ask?" she shrug "You were quiet" i smile and kiss her head she smiled cutely and held up another piece i chuckle and ate it. "You're really good at cooking" she said i smile "really?" she nodded "Probably because i had to make food in our apartment" i said chuckling she look at me "Apartment?" i nodded "Yeah me and my friends are in college but we all share an apartment" i said smiling "OH!" i giggle "So what do you want to be when you finish college?" she ask "Probably a Photographer" i said smiling she smiled too "Really?" i nodded "Yeah" she nodded "That's cool, wanna show me some of the photos you took?" i chuckled and nodded. I got my envelope and gave it to her i sat the table to the floor since we were done eating and then i sat next to her. "Lauren this is incredible" she said looking at the photos "Yeah those are my projects for Photography" i said she nodded and then look at the next one she look at me smile i giggle "What?" i ask she shake her head "You're just so good" i smile "I have two cameras i have a Polaroid camera and the Photographer camera" she look at me shock. "Dude!" i laughed and kiss her cheek "Hey? What about we do some photo shooting today? well at least i could practice too" i said shrugging she smiled but frown "But i'm not that pretty i would look horrible" she said i frown "Y/N you're beautiful don't ever say you're not pretty cause you're gorgeous" she blushed and then smile.

"You really think so?" i nodded "Of course, you're really beautiful Y/N. I wonder what you'll look like in hot clothes then make up. Oh shit..." i started to ramble while looking at the wall smiling to myself since i was picturing her in those things. Shit! She'll look so hot, i stopped rambling and look at her and she was smiling and raising an eyebrow suddenly i felt my cheeks started to heat up "Uh... you didn't hear most of them right?" i ask she laughed "Oh Lolo i heard all of it, anyway when are we doing it?" i smile "After lunch, the girls would love to do some make up" she sighed and nodded "I'm gonna shower okay?" she said i nodded she then kissed my cheek softly "Thank you for the breakfast" she said smiling and then went to the bathroom. I sighed happily and got the plate and downstairs seeing all of them eating "Oh hey Lauren!" Dinah greeted i smile "Hey" i then put the dishes in the sink "So what are you planning to do today?" Ally ask "I'm gonna practice some of my Photography skills with Y/N later" i said smiling then i pour the orange juice on my glass. The girls gasped "You mean photo shooting?!" i nodded they squealed "can we help?" i shrug "sure" i said they smiled "When are we doing it?" Camila ask "After lunch" they nodded and high five each other.

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