Chapter 40

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(Gonna skip time)

Your POV

When i heard cries from upstairs i took off my apron and ran upstairs i opened their room and smiled "Hey there babies, momma is coming home in ten minutes and she will give you a bath while i cook dinner" i picked one up and carried him. I got a bottle of milk and gave it to the other one, when i heard the doorbell rang i smiled "hold on baby i'm going to get the door" i then walk downstairs and opened the door then i was met by screaming girls. "HOLY CRAP HE'S SO ADORABLE!" Camila screamed "Shhh.... Camila!" i said rubbing my boy's back she giggle "Can i carry him?" she asked i nodded but Dinah got it from me first she stuck her tongue out at Camila and cooed to the baby. "China!" Camila whined "Fine i'll get the other one" she then ran upstairs i laughed and then greeted the other girls. "Baby?!" i heard someone call i walk to the door and saw Lauren struggling with the grocery bags she giggled and smiled at me sheepishly "help?" i rolled my eyes and ran to her, when i got to her i peck her lips and smile at her "Hi baby" i said then got the half of the grocery bags "Hello" she said and then we walk back inside.

When Lauren placed the bags down she sighed and kiss my cheek "Lauren? Can you bathe Grayson and Griffin please?" i asked pouting "Okay, where are they?" she asked "With the girls, i'm just going to prepare dinner" she nodded and peck my lips.

Lauren's POV

Well i guess y'all know who our kids are! GRAYSON AND GRIFFIN!! Two boys!! TWINS!! Holy shit, ever since i saw Y/N you know in the hospital giving birth, i know that sounded weird but hey! I get to see my sons! i was happy as fuck when i saw them, i like melt when i held them for the first time and i literally cried cause i really want twins. Y/N then teased me how soft i am, well i didn't care well because i was holding my boys! Honestly? The best gift i have ever received are my parents of course, and Taylor and Chris but most important one is Y/N, i love her so much and we got married when her tummy wasn't that big yet. So yeah we're happily married and another best gift is Griffin and Grayson! i remembered that day when they were born i was literally crying and Y/N was smiling at me tiredly as i cry but soon she fell asleep because of the pushing. So here i am going to bathe my two months babies, yup they're just two months and they're really adorable! and hey! Guess what they have????????? MY EYES! AND EYEBROWS! I'm pretty sure they also got the shape of my face but they got their mommy's lips and Y/N's cute nose. Oh! and the color of Y/N's hair. They both looks so perfect! My two little nuggets!

Camz wanted to help me bathe Griffin and Grayson so I said okay and the girls helped Y/N with dinner. After we bathe the two little nuggets who sprayed me and Camz with water from their rubber duckies we finally started to dress them up. I kissed their cheeks repeatedly making them giggle loudly "aw you're such a cool mom Laur!" Camila said I smile and kiss their cheeks again. "I just love them so much and their so adorable!" As Camila does their diapers I got two bear onesies and have one to Camila. I got Griffin and dressed him up, when we were done Camila awed

 I got Griffin and dressed him up, when we were done Camila awed

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(Imagine your boys with the brown bear onesie)

"They're so fucking cute" Camila mumble "hey! Do not curse in front of my nuggets!" I said glaring at Camila who giggled "sorry! But honestly they're so adorable!" I smile and kissed their cheeks again. "Come on downstairs" I said and got Grayson and Camz got Griffin, we walked downstairs and I walk to Y/N as Camz went to the girls. "Look mommy, we got a little bear" I said she turned around and awed "baby he's so adorable!" I smiled widely and gave him to her. Grayson looked at Y/N and then giggled Y/N smiled and kiss his cheeks "you're so freakin adorable Grayson! Where's my other Baby?" She asked "oh, with Camz" I said and then kissed her lips. She playfully bit my bottom lip making me giggle i wrap my arms around her waist and kissed her lovingly, i love kissing her you know why? because first, she's a good kisser, second, her lips taste so good and so addicting, and third i love showing my love to her through our kiss. We pulled away and i smile at her blushing slightly we both looked at Grayson and he was smiling at us "Well little guy you've just seen your parents made out, hope you'll do it when you're older" i said winking at him making him giggle i felt Y/N nudge my ribs making me groan. "Babe!" i whine she kissed my cheek "i love you" she mumble against my cheek i rolled my eyes and pout "i love you too" i mumble she giggle and got Grayson and Griffin's bottle. 

"Baby? please prepare the table for me?" Y/N said i nodded "okay" i said and then prepared the table soon i heard giggling from my babies i walk to the living room and saw Griffin getting tickled by Dinah and Grayson is giggling from Y/N's kisses. "Aw i want kisses too" i said in a baby voice "I ain't kissing you Laur!" Dinah said i rolled my eyes and glare at her "Not you idiot! I want Y/N's kisses" i said sticking my tongue out at her she did the same and then i turned to Y/N. "Baby, you gotta stop swearing in front of our boys" i giggle and peck her lips "Sowwy i can't help it" i said she rolled her eyes and then placed Grayson to the crib. "Let's go eat dinner ladies" she said i walk to Dinah and got Griffin, when they all left to go to the dining room i smiled at Griffin and kiss his cheek and then placed him near his brother. "I'll be back babies" i cooed and give them both a kiss on the cheek and gave them their bottles i jog to the dinning room and sat next to Y/N and then we started to eat. 

- Next Morning -

I woke up to a baby's cries i groaned and stretch my body i felt Y/N stirred but cuddled more to me i rub my eyes and squint, what the fuck? It's still dark. I turn to my clock and it's 3:00 am i yawned and wrap my arms around Y/N and was about to fall asleep until i woke up again hearing our boy's crying "i'll get them" Y/N said sleepily "no babe, i'll do it. Stay here and sleep okay? i'll be back when they fall fall back asleep" she yawned and nodded "Thank you" i smile and kiss her forehead. I got up and went  to their room when i opened the door they were indeed crying "Hi babies" i said they stopped crying when they saw me i smile "what's wrong my babies?" i ask them rubbing their tummies making them giggle. I giggle too and carried them i then walk to a spare bed and laid down with them on top of me Griffin started to look at me and cupping my cheeks as Grayson fell asleep on my chest. "Hey there little one? are you not sleepy yet?" i asked Griffin then yawned he giggle making me smile tiredly and kiss his nose. Few minutes later i saw him lay his little head on my chest next to his brother "goodnight babies" i said and then finally closed my eyes, i was about to fall asleep until i felt a body cuddled to me. I opened my eyes and saw Y/N cuddled up to my side i smile and kiss her forehead "I love you" i whispered i didn't get a reply back since she went back to sleep. 

Soon i felt my body shaking i groaned and open my eyes seeing one of my boys are missing i look up and saw Y/N carrying Grayson when she saw me she smiled and peck my lips "Good morning momma" i smile tiredly and yawned "Hello" i said and then rubbed Griffin's back. "Are you hungry Lauren?" she asked me softly i nodded "Yes, bacon please!" she chuckled and then we both heard Grayson giggled too. We look at each other and laughed "Aw my baby you're so cute" Y/N cooed to Grayson's ear then kissed his head, "well let's go make momma some breakfast and i'll give you your food too" she said i bit my lip and stare at Y/N's ass making her clear her throat. I blushed and smile at her she chuckled then winked at me before going downstairs with Grayson, i sigh and stretch my body i wrap my arms around Griffin and then stood up. "So baby boy we're going to go eat breakfast" we walk downstairs and placed Griffin next to his brother in his high chair, i got his milk and gave it to him, i smile and kissed his and Grayson's head before walking to my wife. I ran my fingers through my locks and wrapped my arms around her waist when she felt me behind her she lean back and kiss my lips before looking back to the food. "That smells really delicious" i said then kissed her shoulder "what else would you want babe?" she ask intertwining our fingers on her stomach.

"Pancakes, scramble egg and bacon! That's all i need babe!" i said kissing her cheek then let go of her "Do you want some orange juice or apple juice? Or do you want coffee?" i ask her as i walk to the fridge. "Um... orange juice please" i nodded "and got two glasses and poured them with orange juice, i hand one to her and she drank some and put it down "Thank you", soon the food was ready so i sat next to our boys and Y/N sat across us. As we started to eat i smiled and look around seeing that i have a perfect family and i love them so much.

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