"You're not muslim?" The news felt surprising, but at the same time Sofia expected it. The way Mariam dressed at the airport was so exposing. Though she told herself never to judge people by the way they dressed it was something about Mariam that made her eyes twitch. 

"Does Yusuf know?"

Mariam frowns. "Of course not. Do you know what would happen to me if he did." 

"He doesn't know?!" Sofia shouts. The door suddenly opens revealing Yusuf who had a smile plastered on his lips. "Whoa, shouting already?" he jokes. His smile made the room ten times brighter, Sofia has never seen him so joyful. 

Mariam goes by his side, intertwining her hands with his. "Sorry about that baby, your sister just got excited about our wedding next week." Mariam turns to Sofia. "Isn't that right Sofia?"

"W-wedding." Of course they'll have a wedding, their engaged right now Sofia should've expected this.

 "Oh, yeah did you tell her to be the bridesmaid yet?" Yusuf looks at Mariam, hoping he didn't spoil the surprise for her.

"Nope, but I did now. Sofia, how would you like to be a bridesmaid?" Mariam's dark smile was still on her face. 

  Noticing the huge grin on Yusuf's face made Sofia panic. She doesn't want to upset him, he looks too happy and she doesn't want to ruin it. So without having a second thought Sofia stutters with, "Um, I would love to! Are you kidding me? Why on earth would I miss out on all the fun?" 

Yusuf's smiles from ear to ear. His eyes squinting from doing so. Using this as her advantage Sofia glares at Mariam, and sticks her tongue out like an upset child. 

"Well that's amazing! I cannot wait, oh did you pray fajr already-" Yusuf asks Sofia but she gets rudely interrupted by Mariam. 

"Yes, she did. I woke them up like you asked." She grins. 

"Oh thanks sweetie." Yusuf happily lends in to hug Mariam, and then heads out of Sofia's room. 

Sofia scoffs. She knew someone did try to wake them up, it's Mariam's fault for making them miss the morning prayer. 

"You lied to him!" Sofia says furiously. "How could you do that?" He looked so full of life, he looked at peace, he was calm and collective. But people like Mariam will ruin that, Sofia doesn't know her intentions but soon that will change.

Mariam chuckles leaving the room and shutting the door.

.  .  .

   Never have Sofia wanted this break to go quickly as possible. She wanted to finally leave this 'drama house'. The worst part was her mother had invited Zafir and Raha over. Freaking Zafir! It's not like she has anything against him, but she knows something is up since it'll only be the four of them. She can only hope that the discussion of marriage isn't mentioned in their conversation. But of course, her mother speaks about it.

  Sameya first test the waters by talking about Yusuf and Mariam. She goes on about how amazing their relationship is. And that she's proud of her side. Sofia gets a little uneasy with this topic since two days ago Mariam had shown her true colors by telling Sofia she's a ex Muslim. And it just hurts to see Yusuf falling for her, since  theres a side to her that he never knew existed.

"Oh Sofia, whats wrong?" Raha is the first to take notice of the quiet teen. "Perheps it's the food your mother cooked." 

Did she just insult my mothers cooking, Sofia thought. 

"No, no, the food is good." Sofia defends her mother. "It's just the topic about marriage." Sofia darts her eyes to Zafir, and no doubt about it his looking at her. 

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