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They always argue everything. It doesn't always have to be the big things. It can be the little things. It can be the way you hold you spoon. It can be the way you dress. It can be the way you walk. It can be the way you talk. It can be the way you take a test. It could be anything and the lawyer would be ready with an argument as to why it was wrong or right. Most of the times they think that you are doing it wrong.

They put you on the spot. It doesn't matter where you are. If they see something worth fighting over, they will point it out. It's not always at school. It's not always someone you know. Sometimes it is a total stranger. It's because you ordered too much food at the food court at the mall. It's because you drive too slow in the parking lot. It's because you are looking at the wrong book to buy. It's because your ringtone is weird.

It's everything and it's anything. The lawyer might as well argue about the underwear you are wearing. The point of it? There is none. They only do it to argue. It's in some of their natures to just argue everything. It's a defense mechanism. They feel the need to argue to express themselves. Sometimes they like to piss you off. They like to see your reaction, the way you handle yourself. They like to hear you argue. Most times though, they pick cases they know they are going to win. Most of the time it's in a public place. They aren't afraid to argue about it, but you are. You get embarrassed so you let them win so they can walk away. But do they? Never. They come back to find you. The lawyer will never forget you or the case you lost and they just won.

It's not a matter of rights and wrongs. It's a matter of what they think is right and everybody else's opinions. It's their way or the highway. Most times there isn't even a highway. It's only their way. It's only what they believe. It's only what they want to hear. Anything you say, it's wrong. They want to win. A lawyer always want to win. That's the lawyer's job: to win, to persuade the jury. But who is the jury? It's your friends. It's spectators. It's anyone.

The lawyer doesn't have to have a valid case. Sometimes you are talking with a friend and suddenly "the law" matters. You cut the wrong fuse in a conversation and your conversation turned into a court case. You don't have to be careful with the lawyer, but you have to know that at any given point they are ready to argue. They are ready to annoy the living daylights out of you. They get defensive all the time. You can tell by their tone. It turns hostile. It turns cold.

The lawyer can't help themselves. I've learned that it's just in their nature. It's the way they handle, defend, and justify themselves. Befriending a lawyer isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes, they bring up really good points. Sometimes they make you think about things that you normally wouldn't.

They are only trying to stand up for what they believe in. They are only trying to express themselves. Sometimes we forget that lawyers have feelings and emotions too. We judge the lawyer for defending themselves when we should be the ones justifying our own actions and motives.

Because most of the time, our actions are not as right as we think we are. 


I feel like it has been forever since I've last updated, but it's only been 12 days (and I guess that is a long time). I feel so bad about it, but I'm so busy with school and other books. I'm definitely going to finish this novel, but it might take a while because now that I'm not writing every day, I'm not focusing on this book, but other ones as well. So please, bear with me, and I'll try to update when I have more ideas and chapters done. Thanks for understanding,

Alyssa :) 

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