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With news of new dinner guests for Christmas day, RJ, Gwen, and the rest of her family were running around town making last minute preparations for tomorrow's dinner. Gwen wasn't happy with the news. Christmas was always her family's and only her family's tradition. She was alright with RJ celebrating with them. He's adapted to her family's life style in the past few days, that he could pass off as a brother. But she didn't see him that way. He could never be her brother. She already has one brother. She would never want another. Her mixed feelings for RJ weren't the only things troubling her.

Not only that, but she also was not happy that Leo was coming over for dinner. And not only him, but his dad as well. She felt as if they were intruding. Reigning on her own Christmas parade. RJ was the same way. They complained about it together to the point where if either said another word about the matter, they would get their mouths washed with soap. The threat prevented them from complaining... In public. Behind closed doors, the only thing they would do was complain. Gwen could tell that RJ's nauseated expressions were enough to know how he felt about the situation as well. He was worried for her. He didn't want her getting hurt or upset. She appreciated the way he worried, the way he offered to care, but she didn't need it. She had enough to worry about on her own. She didn't need to carry RJ's worries on her shoulders as well.

Christmas Eve night, Gwen had trouble falling asleep. She kept running multiple scenarios in her head on how tomorrow could go. First, she thought about how the morning would go. Who would get what gifts first? What gifts did she get? Would her family like her gifts? Would RJ be mad that she didn't get him a gift? Did he get her a gift? Would he reveal what he got at the mall?

After the morning thoughts came the dinner thoughts. When would the Gunbram's arrive? How would Leo act? Would he treat her like a friend again? Would he be angered that RJ was crashing with her family? How would his dad be? What would he do? Does his wife know? Did Leo ask? Do they know the truth? How would dinner go? How would RJ handle himself? How would Gwen handle herself? Would there be constant back and forth banter? Would there be no talk at all?

She didn't know. She stayed up later than she should have worrying about it all. She couldn't blog to handle her stress. She feared that RJ would hear her typing or notice that she was gone and question about it. She didn't want to lie to him. She was already lying to everybody. She didn't want to be caught in the act. She knew that would ruin things between them. And she didn't want that. She got him back after weeks of not talking. She didn't want her blog to drive them apart again. Leo already did that. She didn't want to either.

When her alarm rang out at eight o'clock sharp, she hit the snooze so hard she thought she broke it. But she didn't care. All she wanted to do was sleep. She rolled over so far that she bumped into RJ. He didn't move. He seemed to still be asleep. She figured it was because he wasn't up all night worrying. She rolled back over so she was facing the clock. She didn't want to bother RJ. She lied in bed for a long time before she even thought about getting out of bed. She kept telling herself to get up. She never did. Her door creaked open. She opened an eye to see who it was. All she saw was a blur of a body and before she knew it, a heavy weight came crashing down on her causing her to scream in surprise, pain, and anger.

"Farrell!" She screamed, trying to push her brother off her. The commotion startled RJ. He was sitting up watching Gwen struggle with her brother.

"It is Christmas and we have gifts to open. Let's go!" He shouts in her face. He was like a little kind when it came to gifts. Gwen wanted to punch him square in the eye. She was not happy with him. Farrell looked to the side and saw RJ. "Morning," he acknowledges, a stupid grin on his face.

"We didn't do anything. Now get off of me before I do," Gwen threats.

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do to me?" Farrell teases. After several more seconds of restraint, Farrell let go of his sister. As soon as he was off of her, she sprung up and tackled him to the ground. They struggled for minutes before Dad came in and ended it. He didn't say a word. He didn't need to. Gwen and Farrell knew to not say anything.

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