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It doesn't look good. because it's plastered on.

You can literally see the particles.

It looks unnatural and fake.

It is fake. If you swiped your finger across her face you would have a goop of foundation. If you took her out in the rain she would melt. There's a fine line between looking good in makeup and looking like a clown. She is way over that line. She's so far over the line that she can't even see the line anymore. From a distance it looks alright. But when up close, you can almost see the different brush strokes she made to apply the makeup. And now, when I say distance, I mean a mile, maybe even more.

Don't tell me that I'm rude. You all know someone who does the exact same thing, maybe even worse. You may even be a makeup artist. I'm going to stop you right now. No one likes looking at your unnatural makeup plastered face. It doesn't look good and it ruins your shirt collars when you sweat in gym and wipe your face with your sleeve. Sure, they may like it, but they don't realize how unnatural it looks. For them, it's normal. It's part of their daily routine. Makeup is what they know. Maybe they are insecure. Maybe they just like makeup. All I'm saying is that you can still be beautiful with a less amount of makeup, even no makeup at all. Just dial it down. Ease out of it. Go less and less each day. People will start to notice, but in a good way.

I won't even lie, I went through a phase like this once. It was seventh grade. Everyone liked to wear makeup. They would ask their older sisters to do their makeup for school. Me, being an only child, I had to do it myself. "Yay for blue eyeshadow! I like this shade of green too!" Everyone would admire everyone's makeup. Others, others would despise it. I remember, this one girl would call me a green eyed witch for my makeup. The list was endless for not only me, but others as well. It didn't bother me. At the time I thought my makeup was cool. But as I got older, I thought it was stupid. I thought the whole idea of makeup was stupid. I didn't wear an ounce of makeup for an entire year. Then I discovered that going light and easy looked good as well. Just a thin layer of foundation and mascara will do the trick. It makes you look presentable. It makes you look less tired. It makes you look like you actually got out of bed and got ready for school.

Makeup is great. It's fun. It's fun to give one another makeovers at sleepovers. It's fun to get a little wild with your makeup when you party. But the thing is, there is a difference between going fun and wild and good looking than piling it on. I understand if you are trying to impress someone. I understand if you are trying to prove someone to anyone. But here's a secret. The boy you have a crush on isn't going to like you for your makeup. Sure, being good looking can help your case, but if they are only in it for looks, they aren't worth it. Besides, if you frost yourself with makeup like a cake, you are lying to him. You are lying to your friends. You are lying to yourself. That's not who you are. But if you want to continue lying to everyone around you go ahead. I don't care. I won't stop you. It's your choice. All I am saying is that in this case, less is better. Of course there are people who don't wear makeup at all. Remember, for a year I was one of those people. I like to think that there are two kinds of these people 1). the people who know what makeup is, but don't bother with it 2). the people who haven't a clue as to what the difference between eye shadow and mascara is. The person who doesn't wear makeup, believe it or not, is good at giving others makeovers. The person who hasn't a clue to what anything is, is just a hopeless mess. You don't even bother explaining it to her for you know that she won't be able to wrap her head around it.

There are five types of girls in the world, no matter where they fall socially.

You have the makeup artist, the people who don't know when to stop.

You have the ones who wear little to none.

You have the ones who are clueless.

You have the ones who don't wear it, but know all about it.

And then you have the people who wear it perfectly.

I don't care which you are. Sometimes, too much is too much and too little is too little. Try and find a happy medium. Most times, it works out for you.

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