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Potentially, anything can trigger it.

Their emotions are never balanced.

If they don't like what is for lunch, they turn sour.

If they find a joke funny, they are content for the rest of the day.

If they got a bad grade, the world is over.

If they had a good morning, they are fueled and energetic for the rest of the day.

If they find someone annoying, the won't talk to anyone for the rest of the day.

If they have a good and meaningful conversation with a friend, everything is alright.

Anything can trigger it. The most random thing. If they see someone else upset it gets them upset. If someone is happy, they can be happy too. Most times, however their friends are, it's how they become. They see something and it rubs off on them. It's not like they try to do it. It just happens. It doesn't always have to be something that someone else does.

They can trigger themselves as well. They could have a bad morning. They could have had a horrible night's sleep. Their dog could have ran away for several minutes at a late hour. A dog could have ate a shoe. They could have been up late working on homework. They might not have had enough time to get an assignment done. They might be stressing over a project. They might be hung up on the boy they like or the girl they have been crushing on.

The reason doesn't always have to be logical. It can be anything. They can become pissy because a door closes the wrong way. Sometimes, a mood swinger is very emotional. It's because they are so used to going up and down, high and low, that their hormones are unbalanced. My mom once told me that's how acne works, so I assume the same can be said about someone's mood. I also googled it and that is what it told me, so I actually know what I am talking about.

You have to be careful around them. You have to watch what you say. You have to watch how you act. You have to watch yourself. You have to candle and control yourself. You need to know and understand them so you don't hurt them when you talk to them. You already know what you are going to say when they turn sour. You already know how you are going to act when they turn giddy. You don't want to put up with their change in mood, but you don't want to make it worse by leaving. Eventually you will have to make a choice. You can either beeline it out of there or you can stay. It depends on the day, their mood, even your mood.

If you think others can have horrible mood swings, you should at least at one point in your life take a step back and look at yourself. I'm sure others view you just as moody as the next person. Everyone's moody at some point in their life.

But others, others just have it worse than the rest.

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