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 Gwen spent the rest of the morning sorting through her gifts on her bedroom floor. She sorted everything into piles. There was a new clothes pile, a makeup pile, a jewelry pile, and a pile for everything else that was small and hard to sort into a category. For around two hours, RJ stayed with Gwen and conversed. She tried poking at what his Christmases were like, what his home life was like in general, but he always shifted the topic back to her. She didn't mind. She knew he didn't like talking about it. But at the same time, she wanted to know. She wanted to know what was going on and why he always seems to be staying everywhere but his home.

She learned to not pry, but to not let it go as well. She was going to find out sooner or later. She was going to make sure of it. She liked RJ. She's grown to care for him. To worry about him. To try and help him. But it was hard when he never let her in. She hoped that she would get some insight with his time living with Gwen and her family. So far though, she's gotten nothing. She only knew that RJ was kicked out because that's what he told her parents. Ever since then, he's been a closed book.

After many hours of conversation, it was already three in the afternoon. Gwen needed to get ready. The Gunbram's were arriving at 4:30. She had an hour and a half. RJ left her alone. She showered, only bothering to wash her hair. She was wearing tights underneath her red sweater dress, so her unshaven legs didn't matter. She was locked in the bathroom for over an hour. She wore her glasses while getting ready. She inspected herself closely and in order to do so, she needed them. She debated if she should leave them on or not. She only wears them for school. And even then she hardly wears them. She decided on taking them off before going downstairs. Her blond hair was in luscious curls. Her eyes were the color of gold, the wings peeking out from the side, making her look like an angel.

She was almost ready. After a dark shade of lipstick, she was done. Yet she still felt her outfit was incomplete. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and double checked her appearance. She was missing jewelry.

She opened the door and ran into another one. She stumbled back, confused. But as her vision cleared she saw that it was only RJ.

"Oh wow," they both breathed out. She smiled and looked down. But when she looked back up, she saw that he was watching her.

"You look nice. I mean, not that you never look nice, but you like nice," she compliments, pointing out his deep red shirt and black dress pants. He didn't have any shoes on. Only black socks. She looked down in embarrassment. She rambled. When she looked back up, RJ was still watching her.

"Thanks, it's Farrell's," he informs, smiling at how red her face was.

"Well, you look really great," she notes, trying to hide her face behind her curls.

"You look nice too. I like the glasses. They make you look intelligent," he points out to her.

"Are you saying I don't look intelligent without them?" She teases.

"Never," he chuckles.

"Well I should finish getting ready. I'll see you in a bit," Gwen says, walking past RJ. He nodded his head. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked back to her room. She noticed Farrell in his doorway, watching her as well.

"Not that you never look nice, but you look nice!" Her brother mocks,, a smile on his face.

"Oh shut up," she calls to him, slamming her door. She heard Mom call something to her from downstairs. Gwen didn't bother calling back. She went over to her dresser and opened her jewelry box. She picked out her favorite hoop earrings with two more inner hoops. She got them for Christmas last year. She chose not to wear any necklaces. She found them hard to eat with for they somehow always ended up in her food. She wore a single bracelet on each wrist, each a simple chain of silver with a single charm. One was a heart from Mom and the other was a crown from Emma. While she had time to spare, she decided to call Emma. She didn't answer. After three calls, she gave up. She shot her a text wishing her a happy Christmas and an update on the situation.

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