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Don't act like you don't know who I'm talking to. You all know who she is. You may hate her, you may love her, you may be her. But you all know who I am talking about. The girl who has those two friends who she does everything with. You see her in the bathroom with them touching up their makeup or simply gossiping.

She's the girl that you were best friends with in elementary school. But then in middle school she ditched you and ever since then it's been the same. She turned her back on you. In middle school she spread rumors about you. Now you don't even speak to each other. You have no history with each other. Someone brings up that you used to be friends with her? The both of you deny it. She because she doesn't want people to know she was friends with you. And you because you don't want people to know you were once friends with the queen bee.

She's the girl that everyone adores. They don't see the bad in her. Everyone knows her. Everyone loves her. She's the one who is dating the most popular boy in the grade, sometimes even school. She needs to have things her way and no other way. She can't be seen wearing the same clothes as someone else. Everything has to be hers. She has a certain spot at the lunch table. She only has two close best friends. She flirts with all the boys. She causes trouble. She thinks things are just handed to her.

She expects things to be given to her. She expects to be rewarded for doing nothing. She does everything wrong and still people love her. It's because she is the queen. Everybody loves a long reigning queen. She's the leader, the role model, the idol, the one people worship. She sits with the football team at lunch. She sits on the stage where the popular people are "supposed" to sit. High school is segregated. It's them versus everyone else.

Her locker is the one everyone hangs around during passing time. You look at her for too long in the hallway, you get stung. You talk the wrong way and you are done for. She's straight out of a movie scene. She uses her phone in class and doesn't get caught when everyone else does. She kisses ass in school, hoping to get the teachers to favor her. Most times, it works. I can tell you exactly what she looks like. Blond hair that falls to her mid back. Most likely she has highlights. And makeup, makeup is always applied. Even on a day where she lounges in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, you could swipe your finger across her forehead and you would have a glob of foundation on you.

Trust me when I say this, I know there are other girls out there like that. You might not know any now, but give it a few years, months, weeks even. You'll find yourself a queen bee. And depending on the person you are, depending on where you fall on the social ladder, you'll either want to kill her or want to be her.

There is no in between when it comes to people like that. You either love them or you don't. There is no, "well she's a bitch, but people say she is nice." That's because those people are her friends and they love her because they are probably the same way.

Your queen bee is always recognizable. Your queen bee is always one of the last people who stroll into class right before the bell or five minutes after them. They think they are above the law. Most times, it's because teachers and their parents let her get away with it. She's used to being able to do whatever she wants. There is no one to pull the rope to pull her back. There is no one to govern her.

The queen bee is always the first one to label and recognize. The queen bee is the one you want to stay away from because if you get too close, you'll start to pity her. Because when you take away everything that makes her queen bee, she'll be left with nothing.

She will be nothing.

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