Revealing Secrets

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Pietro Maximoff one shot for Phoenix_Lullaby I'M SO SORRY FOR THE EXTRA LONG WAIT!

Everyone has secrets. Some people have their deepest fears as their deepest secrets, for example. Others hide a horrible past. My secret, or should I say, secrets, are...

I sighed as I finished zipping up my boots, after a long debate of should or shouldn't I wear heels tonight? I decided I should. Maybe this time my height won't play against me, I hoped, but I really shouldn't care about it as it was the minor of my problems. I checked my hair one last time before grabbing my purse and walking out the door. I really hoped this date went well. If it didn't, I'd just give up on trying and just be a single-and-forever-alone for the rest of my life. Usually all of my dates got scared and ran away when I showed them my real eyes, not the hazel lenses I wear to hide them.

My real eyes, one is blue, which is pretty normal, but the other one is gray, which I used to think it was awesome until the guys I used to like declared it made me a creep. So that's why I'm not that excited by this date, even though this guy is different, he's a good friend of mine, we met each other when I was lost in the city a week ago, he literally appeared from nowhere to "save" me, and he appearing out of nowhere again the day he asked me out which was three days ago. Even then, no guy besides my brother has ever got to know my deepest secret...

The poor guy was already waiting for me in the lobby of the apartment building I live in. He was really attractive, wearing a blue button-down shirt and black jeans, his hair a little less messy than usual. For myself, I was wearing an black/white chevron blouse, a black short skirt, white thights and black boots, as I said before. My hair was up on a high ponytail. I walked to him and he smiled at me. "You look great, Celeste" he said with his thick accent, which I loved. "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself... Pietro" I said laughing a little. He chuckled as he offered his arm to me and we walked out to his car. I got in after he opened the door for me, and then he did, and sped off. He, I must admit, drove a little too fast, and I think he noticed my hard gripping on the seat because he reduced his speed a little bit. I don't like speed. "Nervous, aren't we?" He asked giggling. I chuckled. "I'm a lot more nervous about... a little secret" I admitted. He furrowed his eyebrows but didn't ask anything, and I looked away totally regretting what I had just said. 

The night went really well, we went to a nice restaurant, not as fancy as some I've been before for a total waste of time and money... Anyways. As I was finishing my cheesecake, he spoke. "So, what's that secret you were talking about before?" I choked in my food, calling the attention from some people around us. After I stopped coughing and spitting cheescake all over the table, blushing like mad and apologizing multiple times to the waiter, I sat with my elbows resting on the table, holding my head in my hands, breathing rapidly. Then, I took three deep breaths and prepared myself for this moment. I had lived it many times before, yet it felt as if it was the first time. "You have to promise you won't laugh... Or call me a creep." I said. "Why would I?" he asked, looking a little confused. "Just don't!" I kind of yelled as I carefully took one of the lenses out revealing my blue eye, and he gasped. I hesitated about taking off the other one. He was looking so curious I couldn't just leave him like this. I sighed and procceeded to take off the other one. As I revealed my gray eye, he gasped even more surprised. 

"Whoah, whoah, so you're telling me that all the men you've had a date with before, back in California, ran away just because you have heterochromia?" I nodded. But it wasn't just because of that, it was because of other secrets I'm not daring to confess right now. "Well, don't worry. I think it makes you special!" I smiled, feeling the worst mutant being for lying to him. "Hey, don't worry, I have a secret too..."


"Baby? Does this dress make me look fat?" I asked to a non-caring-too-much Pietro. "Uh, no. I think you look stunning." He answered without even looking at me. "Pietro!" I threw the closest thing I had, which was a notebook, and hit his head. "Ouch! Hey, I was looking at you!" he complained. Fraction of a second and he was standing next to me. He held my hands but I pulled them away as I became aware of the scars that I possibly had. He looked at me, confused. "What's happening, Cels? Are you mad at me? I told you I think..." I cut him off. "No, it's not you, it's... I have to go home, uh, Munkustrap must be hungry..." I said trying to walk out his house, forgetting I was in New York's fastest man's house. He blocked the entrance. "Celeste, your fat cat is already too fat, don't use his hunger as an excuse. Now tell me what's happening or I'll find out the truth myself." 

I sighed, but before I could do anything he took my hands again, in a way that he rubbed my wrist and I hissed softly. He widened his eyes, as he lifted my arm and checked my wrist. "What are these...?" he asked looking at me harshly. "S-scars" I admitted. He remained silent for what felt like an eternity. "Why?" he finally asked. I didn't know what to answer. "I-it's been too long since the first time I did it but... You never found out because... T-the scars disappeared once I turned into-" I cut myself off, which woke up his curiosity even more. "What? Keep talking!" he demanded. I stayed silent for a while. Two minutes. Five minutes. Nine minutes. No one said a thing. "I'M A MUTANT! There, I said it." He looked at me dumbfounded. "Wha-what kind?" He finally asked. "Uh... a lycantrophe..." "NO WAY! YOU'RE LYING! he yelled, scaring me. He started jumping and whining excitedly. 

"You're a WOLF! MY GIRLFRIEND'S A WOLF!" "SHUT UP!" I yelled, killing his emotion. "My scars always disappear when I turn back into human shape." I admitted. "And, remember our first date? When I told you about my heterochromia? Well, I lied. That wasn't why I always got rejected, it was because of my mutation. AND THAT LIE HAS BEEN CHASING ME FOR THREE LONG MONTHS, AND IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE FREE!" I declared, feeling relieved. He stared at me dumbfounded, again. I thought he was going to kick me off his house right then and there. But to my surprise, he hugged me tighter than never. "I'm a mutant too, remember?" he asked. "I thought I would never find anyone like me, and now that I have you I am never letting you go. I love you, Celeste." His warm embrace, his sweet words, and the fact that I knew he understood me and would never call me a creep made me feel secure again. "I love you too, Pietro." he smiled at me. "Now let's talk about self-harm..."



So. You might be thinking "Oh, that writer has abandoned us!" WELL GUESS WHAT, I'M BACK! But I've got some not good news, which I'll tell you in the next Author's note. 

Phoenix_Lullaby I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKED IT, I'm really sorry for making you wait this long. Please, please forgive me. Please?

Oh, PS. If you understood the reference about the cat's name, Munkustrap, MARRY ME. Ah.

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