His drunk text.

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»Quick A/N: I've decided not to continue with the Stella Special for now, as it had not a lot of success. Sorry

Steve Rogers: (yeah I know he can't get drunk but it's still funny)

Him: (Y/n) ima fondeu whit yuu tonight. Fondue fondeu fnodeu founde fondue. Lets fonsue al nihgt

You: I got it, Steve. I'll go get you from Stark's.

Tony Stark:

Him: you got pertty eyeballs but wyh arent they looking at my pretyt balls?

You: Stop it, Tony.

Thor Odinson:

Him: yn why is thsi . Light box writnig everyting ,when i pusg the litlte letters¿

You: I think you've had enough alcohor for tonight, baby.

Bruce Banner:

Him: iTRmsiEUpsslkKsjgsh gatsVewhHhh JSJJhsbbjAhdhjJAHSH

You: Okay, either you just hulked out or you've had enough alcohol.

Loki Laufeyson:
Him: (Y/n) you are.so funny. Funny isa funny wrod. Funny. Funny. Funny.


Pietro Maximoff:

Him: i know you wlil see me comnig toniht.

You: Thank God for super fast metabolism.

Clint Barton:

Him: my arrrow ponits to yu baby

You: Oh God, why.

Bucky Barnes: (He was singing that song while texting you).

Him: what is love?¿ baby dnot hurt me,,,dont hurt em

You: Stop singing, you're hurting me!

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