#3 Your first word [Daddy preference]

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Steve: You were crawling across the living room trying to get to the kitchen. When you were finally some baby crawls away, your dad lifts you from the floor and you start crying and yelling "Tichen! Tichen!" Steve stopped in his tracks and stared at you. "Did you just say kitchen?" He asked proudly. "Tichen" you laughed but then cried again.

Tony: {Anthony} He was working at his lab but also taking care of you while your mom and Alli were out. He was trying to fix something on one of his suits but he pinched himself and cursed. "Son of a bit-h!" He yelled. "Sanababech!" You repeated, calling his attention. "Hey! Don't ever say that in front of your mom!" "Sanababech!" He rolled his eyes at you and kept working. Later that day while you were having dinner you both Tony and Alli yelled at the same time "sanababech!" Making your mom look at you wide eyed. "Where did you hear that?" She asked and you both pointed at your dad. "Thanks guys" he said sarcastically.

Clint: You had heard your mom calling your dad Katniss sometimes. Once you were outside watching him practice his shooting, when he hit the target in the middle, and you started clapping and yelling "Katiss!" Your mom started laughing and your dad looked at you pretending to be offended. "You're just like your mom!" He said laughing.

Pietro: Your dad was running around the house while your mom and auntie Wanda weren't home - he knew they didn't like him to run inside the house. Being fast runners (but not as fast as he) you were chasing him around laughing. He stopped just in time to hear you say "daddy" (Vanessa) "zoomy!" (Veronica) he was so proud he didn't care about the girls' scolds when he told them.

Bruce: He was at his lab researching something about the Hulk's DNA when you crawled in. He took you in his arms showing you what he was doing. Your eyes started glowing as you were watching everything. When you saw a picture of the Hulk himself, you rawr and say "geeny" {greeny}. He looks at you proudly and says "my smart boy."

Thor: Being his son, you were worthy to lift his mjolnir. But you didn't know, neither he did, until one day you were playing around with uncle Loki and you saw it. You crawled towards it and as uncle Loki saw what you wanted to do he said "you won't be able to lift that," much to his surprise when you reached to it you lifted it from the floor while saying "hammer!" you, being a little baby. Your uncle and your dad were so surprised -and proud- both for your first word and you lifting the mjolnir.

Loki: You were in your mom's arms while she and your dad were walking around the beautiful Asgardian gardens, when you suddenly felt some strange need of being in your daddy's arms. You started squirming pointing your arms at him yelling "Oki! Oki!" He took you in his arms and took him several seconds to realize his daughter had just said his name -or tried to-. "She said my name" he said hugging you proudly.

Bucky: He was holding you in his arms while you were watching a movie when you got distracted by the little red star on his metal arm. You started touching it and laughing and drawing it with your finger. Finally, you said "staaad" with sort of an amazed voice. "Was that her first word?" Your dad asked. "Yes it was" your mom said, both of them were so proud.

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