#8 What you love about him.

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Steve: "He's a tall, strong, blonde gentleman, very polite, nice-looking and correct. He's so attractive, he has abs and very big muscles and has a very nice attitude. He is very gentle with me and almost never gets mad at me or yells. Altough he was modified when younger, he works to keep his body. I can say I love him"

Tony: "Genious, millionaire, playboy, philantrophist, arrogant guy with attitudes depending on his mood or who you are. He's very smart and loves working on new projects. I love that his work most of the time has me impressed because I don't even get to understand half of the science it has, and altough he doesn't have the most muscled body, he is a very good lover *wink, wink.*"

Clint: "He's my Hawk man. I love how he can be miles away from his target but still hit it like a boss. Well, they don't call him Hawkeye just because, do they? I love that he also is a very good boyfriend, he (almost) never forgets an importante date for us and he's very attentive, careful and prefectionist in everything."

Bruce: Altough he's very fearful, he still knows how to love me in a way nobody ever had. And I admire the way he works in his science like it's an easy money thing. Well, I know many things too, but not as much as him! I love how much I really admire him for his carefulness with me, anytime he starts getting a little mad he tells me to go away but most of the time he controls himself in time."

Thor: "Well, what can I say? He's a demigod, demigods are... Demigods. He is very, very handsome I get jealous anytime some other girl stares at him while we're on the street or any place where we go. I love how he's also very attentive with me and supplies all my needs even when I didn't even así for some of them, I just comment something about it he makes it happen."

Loki: "He's very truthful and honest with me. Any time he tells me something and I don't want to believe it, he always looks for the ways, even inhuman, to prove it. I love that he had (almost) never lied to me and I know I can trust him no matter what."

Bucky: "He's so cute. I mean, like he's actually cute, kawaii, romantique or any name you want to call it. He's also very handsome and tall and even though he doesn't love his metal arm, I do. I love it and I think it's especial and it gives him personality as the great soldier he is now. I love how cute he is with me."

Pietro: "I just love that anything he does is unexpected. Literally unexpected, like he runs and hugs me from the back, kiss me unexpectedly, things like that. I too love when he talks to me looking at me in the eyes. And I have to admit it. He's so, so good in bed."

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