#21 Telling him you're pregnant.

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Steve: You decided to tell him as soon as he arrived home. You waited an hour. Two. Three. Finally, three and a half hours later, he arrived and he seemed to be really mad. "What's up, babe?" you asked happily. "Stupid S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff stresses me" he answered roughly. "Well you'll be happy when I tell you the good news I've got" you smiled widely, his curiosity inmediately waking up. "What is it?" he asked. "Come with me!" you jumped in joy and headed to the bathroom where you left the little stick.

He arrived five seconds later and you were hiding the test behind your back. "Okay guess what?" you said, looking extremely happy. "What? I have no idea." he said, now smiling. "Close your eyes. Are you ready?" he nodded and you took his hand placing the little white stick on it. "Open them" you said and he inmediately opened his eyes. He looked a the test for a couple of minutes before understanding what that stick with a plus sign on it meant. "You're... You're pregnant!" he yelled taking you in his arms and spinning you around a little. "I'm going to be a dad! A mini Steve!" he said. "Or mini (y/n)" you said. He was so happy and he couldn't stop talking about it the rest of the day. The next day, he told everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony: You took him to a special dinner almost a month and a half later. You noticed your little baby bump had started to show a little and you tought it was a little too soon, but you knew he would notice and start making questions. So you decided it was now or never, and after deciding to tell him with a special dinner, you made your reservations and he started to make questions right after you rejected a wine glass. "But this is your favorite" he insisted. "I know, Tony, but I brought you here for a reason I'm going to tell you later." you answered. He gave you a misterious look but didn't ask more.

When you were almost done with your dinner, you had five seconds of bravery and decided it was time. "Hum, Tony..." you started, he looked up from his plate to you. "I have something for you." you gave him a little box that had the test inside. He opened it and almost choked with his food. "Is this serious?!" he asked. "Couldn't be more serious" you answered with a smile. he was shocked. "I... I don't know what to say, this is... The best news ever!" he finally spoke, to your relief. "I can't wait to meet him, or her!" he said happily. "Or them..." you said to his surprise. Oh, come on! Your baby bump was just too big to be carrying just one baby!

Pietro: It had been two and half months since you found out you're pregnant. Your bump already showed a little. You had been to your first ultrasound yesterday with Wanda and the doctor told you something great, her words still running all around your head. "It's twins" she said. But Pietro didn't know you were pregnant yet. "When are you going to tell him?" Wanda asked to you while Pietro was out for his morning run. "As soon as I get enough courage and I don't freak out like a chicken when I'm trying to tell him" you answered, to which she laughed. "Come on, girl!" her accent sounded all across the room. "You have to tell him! He'll take it good."

You didn't notice Pietro was back and was heading to the bedroom. "You have been wearing oversize clothes to hide it from him! Don't you miss your regular clothes?" "Well, first of all, they're not gonna fit me anymore in a couple months. Second, what if he doesn't want the-" Pietro entered the room interrupting you two, and you gasped in surprise. "So what's so important to tell me?" he asked, his back against the wall. "Go on, tell him" Wanda encouraged you. "Pietro, the thing is... I, we, um.. I'm..." "Come on, say it!" he was getting so nervous. "I'm pregnant." you finally confessed. His face turned pale instantly. "Tell him the whole story!" Wanda said. "Uhm, and... It's... Twins." His eyes opened wider if it was possible. "How long did you hide this from me?" he asked. "Almost three months and I was dying to tell you!" Wanda quickly spoke. "What?" I asked while he was still in shock. "You didn't see that coming?"

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