#4 Bath time [Daddy preference]

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Quick note: in this preference all kids are 3 years old.

Steve: "Okay, little Ella! Bath time!" Your dad shouted from across the hall as you prepared to fight. You hated bath time. You hid under the bed hoping he wouldn't look there this time, although he knew you always hide there. "Oh, I wonder where did Ella hide this time?" He asked playfully while you giggled. He kneeled to take you from under the bed but you ran. "I don't want to bathe!" You were yelling while you ran across the hall. He finally catched you and took you to the bathroom, you were struggling to free yourself and run away again. "If you take this bath I will buy you ice cream tomorrow" he finally said and you calmed down letting him take you to the bathroom where your mom was waiting for you to come and help your dad give you a bath.

Tony: Well, your problem was that you didn't want to go into the bathtub but then you didn't want to come out! It was a daily struggle. "Alli, Tony, bath time!" Your mom called. "Nooooo!" You yelled at the same time as you ran into different directions while laughing. "Ugh. Same old story." Your mom said as he called your dad. He came in suited on as Iron Man. "Aright. What's happening here?" He asked, his robotic voice making you run immediately to the bathroom still laughing. "Thanks!" Your mom said. "I'm gonna need you again in like half an hour to get them out."

Clint: As you loved the idea of being on the water for hours and hours just playing and splashing around, there wasn't any problem on getting you in, even if it had to be a quick shower you spent at least ten minues playing around with a bucket and then other five actually having your mom washing you. You really loved water. "Luke, you gotta come out!" you hear your mom call. "No!" you yell. She insists, but you ignore her, until your dad comes with a towel on his hands very quietly and takes you out in surprise. "Nooo dad! Whyyy?" you usually yell at him. "Time for bed, little boy" he usually answers.

Pietro: Well taking you to bath or shower or whatever wasn't that hard having Quicksilver as a dad, but you too were really fast too. If he catched Roni, Nessa was still running around. Silly him, taking Roni to the bathroom while trying to catch Nessa and she escaped again. After like five minutes of repeating the same process, finally he managed to catch them both. He prefers showers because he says they are more fast, but her girls love baths. So as for keeping you happy, he lets you take a bath. You get bored easily, so you don't spend too much time in there.

Thor: "Time to shower Sean!" your dad's voice boomed all around the house as you were busy connecting some LEGO blocks. Ugh, no. "Wait a minute daddy!" you yell at him and he innocently agrees, not knowing you weren't even planning on getting up. Twenty minutes later he comes for you and without any warning he lifts you from the floor making you drop the LEGO house you were making. "Daddy!" you yell. "I told you to go shower" he answers angrily. And then you crossed your arms and put on your *I'm mad* face, before, while you showered and after you were out.

Loki: "I don't wanna shower dad!" you yelled, stepping your foot hard on the floor, crossing your arms. "Don't you dare start a tantrum little lady!" your dad scolded. "You have to wash that curly hair you have" he said, trying to be patient. "I. Don't. Want. To." you said. You were pretty much like your dad at your age. "I'm going to bring mom" he warned, making you widen your bright emerald eyes. "You wouldn't" you say. "Would I?" he asks, teasing you. Defeated, you slowly make your way to the bathroom. "Good girl." your dad says from a short distance as you kill him with your eyes.

Bucky: "Let's go take a bath!" your dad said as you squirmed your arm to free your hand from his. "Dad let me go I can go by myself" you say trying to sound convinced. "I don't believe you about that anymore" he said looking at your eyes. "You have told me that so many times but you run when I let you go" he adds. "Dad really I will go this time." "Like last time?" He asks. Almost arriving to the bathroom door, you finally convince him with your puppy eyes and he frees your hand the rest of the way. But oh no! You decided to run to the other way. But oh no again! Your mom was just behind your dad. "Where were you going?" She asks. "I can't believe I fell for those puppy eyes again!" You hear your dad says scolding himself as you were bathing.

Yeah I know it's horribly boring but that's why I never challenge my brain -_-

Aaaaaanyways. Try to enjoy.
≈The writer.

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