"Did he now? Well you should know I'm done helping people, it gives you nothing but pain" I say biting my lip till it bleeds.

"Charlie,...please, help them get the boy and get off this island. You could come with us" Hook says taking a step towards me.

"Charlie?...we....we had a daughter named that" Snow says grabbing Prince Charmings arm.

"Yes, Princess Charlote, that would be me, Queen of Neverland, forgotten by her parents and when the curse was broken, left here to die" I growl shooting dangers with my eyes towards my parents and Hook.

"It was a mistake, we should have come looking for you" Snow says taking a slow step towards me.

"And yet, here we are." I say placing a hand on my sword.

"Wait....I had a sister?" Emma says tears in here eyes as she looks at me.

"Techinally I should be your older sister, but I got stuck here thanks to the Evil Queen" I snap crossing my arms.

"But, how does Hook know you?" Emma asks.

"We we're friends once, until Pan order her to kill me and she sent me to the Enchanted Forest where I meet Cora" Hook explains.

"We thought you were dead" My father says speaking towards me.

"Well obviously I'm not"

"What about your magic? Why couldn't you just get yourself off?" Snow asks.

"Wait she has Magic?" Emma pipes in.

"I got off a few times...I paid the price for it too, besides, Pan won't let me leave, thats why he gave me this" I say guesturing towards my Magic cuff.

"Whats that?" Snow asks about to take my arm.

"Doesn't matter now. I'm not going to help any of you." I say turning around.

"Please,...I understand how you feel" Emma says walking towards me.

"No you don't! I've been on this island for 31 years! I've been Pan's prisoner for years...I've watched people die. Unlike you, our parents abondoned me when I needed them most, and that is how Henry is going to feel when he finds out that you are just like them!" I shout panting at the end of my speech. Everyone remains silent.

"Maybe Tink will help you but I won't help the people who left me for dead" I shout tears in my eyes and walk away, no one daring to follow me.


I walk back to camp and sit against a tree, sharpening my sword as I listen to Peter lie to Henry.
Spawn of the Dark One? Does he mean Bae?

"You remiand me of your father" Peter says with a sigh and walks away. I watch him walk and walk over to Henry and sit next to him.

"Earlier, you said not liking apples was a family thing...who is your family then?" Henry asks me.

"I think you already know, Snow White and Prince Charming are my parents and Emma is my little sister" I tell him.

"So your my Aunt?"

"What?" I ask looking at him confused.

"Emma, your sister, she's my mom."

"Oh, well I wouldn't count on her or any of them saving you" I tell him.

"Of course they will, they'll save both of us" Henry says full of hope.

"Henry, I've been on this island 31 years" I say.

"But you don't know your family like I do, they'll save us" He says smiling. I'm about to say more when I feel a pain on my heart. I cough as I feel Peter squeezing it and ordering me to go to him.

"Don't get you hopes up Henry...you're stuck here just like the rest of us" I tell him and walk over towards Pan's thinking tree.

"You've meet your adoring family I see" He says holding my heart tightly in his hand.

"They are not my family" I spit.

"What about the Pirate, I see he's here too" Peter asks.

"He is nothing to me" I spit.

"Good, come then we musn't keep our guest waiting" Peter says putting my heart back in his bag.

I'm about to take a step when I feel something...

"Peter...someone else is on the island" I whisper quietly. Peter turns twoards me and grins.

"I know, just another old friend of yours"

"Who?" I ask.

"You'll find out soon enough" He says and continues to walk away, with me following him like a lost puppy.

28 Years in NeverlandWhere stories live. Discover now