Chapter 17 - Drive

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: Killian's POV :

Well. We told them. We told them she's pregnant.

Obviously Dave flipped, he started going on to us saying,

"Didn't you where protection? Emma, are you taking the pill?" You know, the usual protective daddy stuff.

I believe we wore protection... Emma put this strange balloon on me... I don't know what it was really. And Emma took this pill thingy in the morning and since then she has aswell.

I just answered, "Of coarse we did!" Finally, David shut up.

Mary Margaret on the other hand was overjoyed. She kept asking whether we'd picked out names for the baby and what gender we thought it would be. A glowing smile caressed her face as happy questions spilled past her lips.

I have to admit, that conversation did create a tiny knot in my stomach. The subject kinda gave me reality check on the fact that Emma is actually pregnant. But that soon cleared after Swan gave me a reasuring look.

Not soon after we had cleared up the parents questions, Henry arrived home.

"Mum! I'm home!" I heard him call from the entrance of the apartment.

"Hi kid!" Emma replys, "We are in the lounge!" Henry comes into the room and plops onto the sofa beside us.

"Hi lad" I motion slightly to him.

Emma's parents are sitting awkwardly in their seats, eyes shooting between the two of us and Henry.

"Oh! He knows, mum and dad. Don't worry." Emma tells them, squeezing my hand.

Both of them let out a relieved sigh at this comment and carried on being cheerful (well, Mary Margaret that is).

"I think this calls for celebration then!" Emma's mum exclaims, "Dinner at granny's?" People nod in agreement and get ready to go out.

: Emma's POV :

I'm pretty satisfied with my parents reaction... Mum was over the moon about it. And I knew dad wouldn't be too happy but really, inside, I think he does like Killian. Like a kind of bromance.

Mums idea of dinner at granny's was just what I needed, I've been craving a grilled cheese for hours! I run around looking for the keys to my bug when I bash into Killian.

"Woah, love. Are you okay? You look a little flushed." He cutely questions, giving me a warm hug.

"I'm fine Killian, just hungry that's all. Do you know where the bugs' keys are?" I ask him as I pull away.

"The what?" Oh yeah, he's 200 years old.

"The keys to my yellow 'vessel'!" I reply, laughing after he understands what I mean.

"Oh those? I think they're in my pocket," Are you kidding me? I think to myself as he rustles through his pockets. "Aye, here they are, Swan." He hands me the keys, I peck him on the lips and roll my eyes, heading to the door.

Killian and I are going in my bug and Henry's walking with my parents. Killian insisted that I didn't walk because of my 'current condition'. I told him I was pregnant not dying, all he replied with was that I also wasn't driving.

"Who's driving then?"

"Me of coarse!" What.

"Hahaha, very funny." I smirk at him, waiting for a real answer.

"I'm being serious, Henry showed me how to drive." What?!

"Henry?! What does he know?! And how are you going to do that with a hook?!"

"Calm down, it'll be fine." And with that, he slips into the drivers seat of my car, me following behind in the passengers.


It's only a 5-10 minute drive to granny's from the loft, so I wasn't overly worried about Killian driving. I was actually quite surprised at his driving skills. He used his hook to change gear then his good hand to navigate the wheel.

We had been driving for about 2 minutes, talking about possible names for the baby. I didn't suggest it out loud because I know It's sensitive for Killian but I did think of a name if it's a boy.

Killian had told me about how his brother had died to poison in Neverland. So I thought it right that if our baby is a boy, he should be called Liam.

We turn a corner, only a couple minutes away from granny's when my happy thoughts are interrupted. A truck comes swerving towards us, honking it's horn.

Then there's a loud crash.

~Mwahahahaaaa!! Cliffhanger!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please comment on your favourite bits! Please vote also!!! Rx~

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