Chapter 10 - One Word

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-I've had huge writers block but i hope this makes up for the delay! thanks for reading!-

: David's POV :

He stole my line.

He stole my line.

I cannot believe he stole my line. He just died, then was brought back to life and one of the first things he says are to annoy me. I can't help but smile to myself.

"Really original line you got there, pirate" I say, breaking the silence of the two love birds kiss, which was not the most pleasant thing to watch. Yet my wife still stared at them with doughy eyes and tears glistening in her eyes.

I cant help but realise lately that, he may be a Pirate, a line stealing pirate, but he does make Emma happy. Like, really happy. I have to admit however, I did not expect my daughter to fall for someone who sails the sea and has a hook for a hand. Nor someone who, in a film has a waxed moustache and a stupid hat. I thought after she broke the curse we would be brought back to the Enchanted Forest and we would live happily ever after. All of us living in a castle and Emma dating some handsome prince from a nearby kingdom. That is happening I guess, but with a loft instead of a castle and a pirate instead of a prince.

The terrible thing is though, I don't actually mind Hook too much now a days. We're mates as he would say. However that does not mean I enjoy seeing them kiss or stare at each other.

"Oh give me a break, Dave! I thought you were growing on me! I just died. For the second bloody time this month. And one of those times were your fault!" Hook really wasn't lying when he said he'd hold that over my head for a long time. But he just smirks and continues to stare into my daughters eyes. Damn! They are actually quite a cute couple...

: Killian's POV :

Im lost in those amazing orbs of hers. Its so good to see them glowing green with happiness, instead of filled with pain or faded by darkness. Her hair is shining blonde in the light, a snowy white dress falls down her perfect figure. Her smile would cure a thousand frowns. She's so beautiful.

I need to forget what I saw in hell. I can't keep re-living the agony of what i just went through, but I also can't tell Emma what I saw either. It would make her worry and she can't be worrying for me. I need to memorise my Emma in the here and now, because this moment is just perfect. That place I went to needs to be cleared from my memories.

Regina snaps me out of my thoughts, "I think, we should give them some peace. They're making me seasick." She just had to make a pirate pun. "We can catch up later." And with that, the group of people left the diner nodding their heads in agreement. Leaving the woman I love and myself alone in Granny's.

"Why'd she have to go make a pirate joke?" I say, making Emma laugh. She gets up, leaving me on the floor of the diner grinning. She walks over to the window, lifts up the shutters and peers in.

"Whats wrong, love?"

"Just checking they've completely gone..."

"And whys that?" I'm hoping I like where this is going.

"So they won't see where we're going and get suspicious."

"Whats wrong? Where are we going, Swan?"

"The Jolly Roger of course!" She takes my hand as I get to my feet, I'm guessing about to lead me to my boat. I smile at her but inside I'm really just remembering what happened last time me were on that boat together. We kissed, but not as i wanted us to kiss. She embraced me as the Dark One. Not as Emma. But she's not that darkness anymore, this time will be different.

: Emma's POV :

Halfway towards his boat he's still looking at me suspiciously, like I'm suddenly going to do something terrible. How surprised he will be when he figures out what I actually have in store for him.

"Stop worrying! Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise."

"I'm not worrying, love. Just curious." This is too funny!

"I just thought you deserved a treat after, you know, defeating the darkness and all." I flash him a smile and let him carry on being confused. I really have missed him. Being the Dark One created this stone wall over my heart, blocking out any love. Life felt cold, with only the craving of power. And that craving only led to suffering. I thought Killian was just someone who was handsome and nice to kiss. I hurt him like I've never wanted to hurt anyone before. But now that barrier is gone I see him for what he really is to me. The man I want to spend my life with.


We arrive at the steps of Killian's boat and I'm still holding his hand. The journey has been almost silent apart from a few exchange of sentences, however it hasn't been the awkward silence. Its been the silence you want to last forever. The silence you want to cherish and hold close to your heart. I look around the boat to check we're alone then say,

"Alright, Captain, set sail to receive your prize." He stares at me in disbelief but does as I say with his classic smirk tattooed across his face.

"As the lady insists." He walks past me to the wheel, I give him a quick kiss as he passes by and with in seconds we are sailing into the morning.

The sun is glowing over the ocean and a chill is blowing across the waves. I am eager to reveal my present for my gratitude but I feel we must be completely alone. Away from any nosy parkers who hear anything.

Minutes pass and Storybooke is fading away in a mist of blindness.

"I think this is far enough." I say and once again take his hand, leading him towards the Captain's quarters.

"Why are we down here, Swan?"

"Its your present."

"Do I need to close my eyes?" He jokes, but it isn't a bad idea.

"Sure, close them tight till I say." I peck his lips and step back, leaving his good hand hanging in the air. A smile is drawn across his face but he obeys. "Now, you've been in this land for a while now, isn't that right?" Ill turn this into a game I think.

"Aye, that is correct, love."

"So i believe you've heard of a taco?" I giggle to myself at a sudden memories that pops into my head.

"Aye! The young lad showed me one! I am starving, is that my present?" Oh this is going to be good.

"Well sort of," I unzip my dress as quietly as I can, hopefully not loud enough for him to hear, "This taco is a family recipe and was actually invented by my mum and dad."

"Well if Dave made them then they must be delicious!" He's trying to be nice about my parents but In can't help but laugh out loud at what he just said. He doesn't even know what he really means.

"Yes, but I'm making them with you this time." I slip of my dress and pants, unhooking my bra.

"Can I open my eyes yet, love?"

"Go ahead..." His eyes open and he steps back in shock. But the good shock, I hope. This is the next step and I want to take it with him. I needed to get him back however for the 'get to work' joke earlier however, so I couldn't tell him directly what we would be doing.


"I know..." And I pull at his hook, the cold metal lying on my warm hands, and drag him to the bed.

: Killian's POV :

All I can think to say is,


~ I was laughing the whole time I wrote this because I knew how funny it would be if it was real 😂😂😂 If you don't understand what tacos means then you aren't really a Oncer are you!? Hope you enjoyed! Get this chapter to 18 views, 5 comments and 8 votes then I'll update soon after!~

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