Chapter 14 - Emotions

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: Killian's POV :

"I'm pregnant."

Just two words. Two words and my heart and head are filled with mixed emotions. Pregnant? How can she be pregnant? We made love once! Is that really how science works?! I have had sex with more women than I can recall, and I am horrified about that factor, but I do know for sure that none of them were with child afterwards.

I know that how I handle these couple of words from her are going to effect Emma deeply.
If I look speechless she could take it the wrong way and think I'm not ready.
If I ask her to repeat herself she'll most probably cry.
I need to be careful, her walls are crumbling.

"I think I'm gunna go over to my other mums for a bit whilst you too... Chat." Henry says cautiously before opening the door of the vehicle and walking down the quiet street. Leaving Emma and I alone. Quietly, tears begin to slowly stroll down her beautiful face.

You most probably could have heard the crickets chirping it was that silent.

Emma is fiddling with her hands in her lap, staring down to the ground like she was waiting outside the headmasters office. A look of worry caressed her face.

She thinks Im going to abandon her. Just like Neal did. But I'm not. I love Emma Swan and I can't imagine walking away from her, not now. I wouldn't disappear for the highest of prices; money is useless now in my eyes.

I step out the car, I can hear her sharply inhale, scared I was leaving. But I don't. I go to the other side of the strange yellow vessel and open her door, taking her hand delicately. Stroking her finger tips in reassurance.

"Let's go inside and get you cleaned up, Swan" She was tear stained and red in the face, still, she looks stunning.

Cautiously, she steps out of the car. My eyes always on her, we walk back up to the loft. Thankfully Mary Margaret and David are still out, so we can talk alone for a bit.

The two of us step into the loft, Emma sets herself down on the sofa and I sit beside her. She's staring at the floor, glassy eyes and everything. Not once making eye contact with me.

"Emma. Look at me." Finally she sets her eyes up to me. She looks as if she's preparing to be shouted at or told off. I don't.

Then, she bursts like a balloon. All the feelings rush out of her in a spurt of words.

"I'm so sorry Killian, I didn't mean to get pregnant. I used the morning after pill and we used protection so I don't know what happened. I've been trying to figure something out before it got too big. I dont want to get rid of it. I would never. I want a future with you but I worry so much about what your reaction would be. Everyone Ive ever loved in my life has either left me or died!" Emma's out of breath by the time she's finished since she did not take a single breathe during her explosion of emotions.

"Swan, do I look like I'm going to leave you?" Her eyes perk up at my words. "Do I look like I'm not happy about this child?" Im actually very happy about Emma being with child. I've had thoughts about children all my life but Milah never wanted them, she just wanted to have adventures out at sea. And then of coarse I was alone for decade after decade so kids weren't even a possibility. Also, after being stuck in Neverland for so long with the bloody demon children named 'Lost Boys', I was kind of put off for a bit. Teenagers really are a handful.

"I can't really tell at this moment in time, my visions a bit blurry from salty tears." She briefly lets out a laugh, I see the woman I love smiling at me again.

Then she goes green and I rush her to the bathroom. Kneeling down in front of the toilet, Emma throws up her lunch. After cleaning her mouth for her on some loo roll, I stare deep into her emerald green eyes and tell her the answer to my question.

"Well, love, I'm not going to leave you." I give her my signature smirk and she gives me one back. I taught her well. "I am thrilled your pregnant and I do so hope you are too. I love you, I want to spend my life with you. Forgetting the past and thinking of the future, that's all that matters. If another little pirate can join us too I will be bloody over the moon, Swan."

The smile on Emma Swan's face shows me she is happy too.

: Emma's POV :

He's not mad, he's happy. He's not leaving, he's staying. He wants my kid. Our kid.

Killian Jones loves me.

I can't actually describe what it's like to be told by the man you love that they love you back and they want to have a child with you. The feeling is a mixture of emotions. I feel four things after he tells me this.
First, it's disbelief that my ears are possibly hearing those golden words.
Next it's shock, it hits me that this person means what they say.
Then it's happiness, I realise this is my life.
Lastly, it's just love.

"Really? Y-Your not going to abandon me?"

"Aye, Swan. I'm not going anywhere."

That's it. I jump on him, my lips connecting with his. We slam down onto the cold bathroom floor embracing each other passionately. Our lips go together like hot cocoa and cinnamon. Perfectly.

Neal Cassidy never gave me any of this. Neither did any of my other crappy boyfriends. They didn't make me glow when they kissed me.
They didn't think of me before themselves.
They didn't risk their own safety and happiness just to make sure I'm ok and that I'm not in any danger.
They never worried about me.

Killian does.

He has given me all the things that reassure me he is the one.

And I'm ready to except that with open arms. To raise our child with love and truth, together. No walls included.

~ hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!! I'm crying coz mid season finale is tomorrow 😭😭 Please comment more because it fuels my defence against writers block! And it makes me happy 😊 get this chap to 30 views, 7 comments and 7 votes! Rx ~

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