Chapter 7 - Death is Dark

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: Emma's POV :

A huge smile spreads over my face as I press my dagger against him. His vest and shirt split open, creating a rip just big enough for my weapon. 

I lock my eyes with his, knowing my face would be the last human he sees. Which isn't a bad thing in my opinion.

However, a sudden ache deep inside of me makes me stop. A small voice in my head starts to scream for me to stop, telling me to put down the dagger and embrace the man i love. I shake my head, the darkness taking over again, willing me to push down more onto his flesh.

The pirate groans in what must be a terrible pain, making my heart burn once more. The voice re-appears in my head, now louder and stronger, urging me to stop.

Stop! He can't die! You love him Emma! STOP IT!

I push away the deranged thought of cancelling my killing and carry on, slicing another layer of skin on Hook's body.

: Killian's POV :

More blood curdling pain erupts from my chest causing me to groan and grimace, she seems to be enjoying herself, seeing me in pain. How could I fail her like this? How could I let her kill me and carry on being the Dark One? I don't have the foggiest idea on how to stop this. I told Emma so many times that I was good at surviving but look at me now. Killian Jones being killed by the woman he loves.

The pain loosens, only slightly and I look into her eyes, curious why she's not pushing the wavy dagger more. I've always been able to read her, since the first day we met whilst we climbed the beanstalk back in the Enchanted Forest. I saw that she was alone, and had been alone for a long time. Since that trip I've been falling for her, slowly but surely falling in love. I can read her now even, I can see the darkness in her eyes. But not just a black abyss, I see something else. I can see those emerald green eyes that belong to the Saviour trying to fight back, causing the Dark One confusion. 

The beautiful green disappears once again from Emma's eyes leaving black, she carries on forcing  the life out of me. However now leaving me with the pleasant thought that the woman i love is still in there somewhere.

Emma thrusts the Dark One dagger finally, deep inside of my chest. I screams out in pain. My clothes are suddenly soaked in a dark, red substance that used to be inside of me. A cackle of a laugh bursts out of her mouth as she stares deep into my eyes, my human life slowly draining. Its like nothing I've ever felt before, and I've had my heart ripped from my body. Huh, this is the second time my life is at the hands of the Dark One. I guess she was right when she said I'm always getting myself killed.

My thoughts stop wondering and it hits me. I can't die like this. Not before I've said farewell to my  Swan.

I reach up to her with all the strength left in my weak body and touch my lips to hers, closing my eyes to imagine my Emma is there instead of darkness. Her lips are cold and tense at first but then she leans in too. We embrace each other for what feels like hours, but must be seconds. I open my bright blue eyes to see green ones staring back at me. The green eyes. As I pull away I whisper to her,

"I love you, Emma Swan..." And I fall into the darkness that must be death.

- I'm sorry for such a short chapter but i really wanted to update! This killed me to write but FEAR NOT! Obviously i know whats gunna happen (kinda 😂) so don't worry, it does get happier! I'm gunna write the next chapter but not post it till this chapter gets atleast *10 views *5 comments and *5 votes! So, vote and comment! Rx -

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