Chapter 6 - Bluffing

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: Hook's POV :

I start to push myself into a sitting position but I'm held down by a sudden force. Emma whispers into the heart she holds, the strange man walks over to me and ties my hands (well hand and stump) and my legs to a table. That heart must be the poor man's. I try to fight back the ropes and release myself but my body was frozen by some sort of magic. When the man had finished tying me, my body became unfrozen, allowing me to struggle in my restraints.

"Thank you, Merlin." The Dark One states. 

Wait, what? How did Emma find the Sorcerer? After everyone researching and spending time working out where and who Merlin was, he was here the whole time with her?

"He's Merlin?! Why are you still the Dark One when he could have freed you? How did you bloody f-" I'm cut off by her sudden words.

"Oh shut up won't you? Pirate." That hurt. "You look different. You done something with your hair?"

I stare at her, trying to keep my courage. "No. Enough chit-chat. What do you want, Dark One?" 

"Woah! Someones moody! I want a lot of things you see, but at this present moment I have quite a important need." She pulls up a seat near me and crosses her legs. "There's someone in my life who needs eliminating. They've been bugging me for sometime now and causing me a lot of stress."

Where the bloody hell is she going with this? I continue to constantly stiffle with my bonds.

"And well, I need your help getting rid of them." She giggles evily.

"Why would you need my help when you have your own trusty sidekick at your beck and call?" I try to hold back my sweat.

"That is very true, Hook. He's gunna help too! Merlin over here is gunna do the dirty work, your job is easy."

"Seems quite weak for the all and powerful Dark One to have someone else do their dirty work."

Emma ignores my comment and carries on.

: Emma's POV :

He's being very cocky, its really annoying me. But, he does look terrified and that is what i like to see.

"Here's the story. I know a guy who has been pissing me off since we first met. I've tried to ditch him many times but he can't take a hint. He's very selfish because he is always wasting my time by almost getting himself killed." These words seem to light up the teeny tiny light bulb in Hook's mind because he begins to struggle with his ropes even more.

"Is he now. How may I ask?" A drop of sweat slithers down his face but for some reason, he stands his ground.

: Hook's POV :

"Oh, you know, the usual. Drowning. Car accidents. I won't bore you with a list. Now..." She gives Merlin's heart a squeeze and he comes over, a deadly look in his eyes. 

Thats me she's describing.

She's going to kill me. 

That's what she wants. 

After all she's done with the darkness, after all I've done.

We might have had our ups and downs but I love Emma, and from recent events I can see Emma does love me back. I thought there would be just a tiny section of her dark heart that still belonged to my Emma.

As Merlin stops, steps in front of me, i speak up.

"If your going to kill me..."

"Oh well done! You cracked the riddle!" The Dark one cheers.

"I said. If your going to kill me, don't do it by slave. Do it yourself."

These words light up her face like a switch for a Christmas tree.

: Emma's POV:

Oh, he is a brave boy isn't he?

"What a brilliant idea! Merlin, your free to go." I order.

"I'm hardly free whilst you hold my heart. Why would you kill someone who is innocent? " He beckons to Hook.

"He's not innocent but if you'd like to join him in hell then I'm happy to squeeze!" He exits the diner, grimacing at the pain I'm inflicting upon his soul.

I turn back to Hook, a smirk across my face.  How to do it? There's so many ways to kill with my powers!

"Then there were two..." I giggle.

"Your not really going to do it. Your bluffing. The Emma I know is still in you, somewhere. You have to be bluffing." What a lie he's telling himself!

"The thing is, I'm really not. And I won't lose a wink of sleep over it! Mainly because the Dark One doesn't need sleep but still."

"Get it over with then." He painfully stares at me.

"No last words?"

"No. Not anymore."

I place the tip of my dagger over his heart, slowly pushing down.

- Sorry for another cliff Hanger!!!! But I'll be updating really soon!! I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment your thoughts and vote it'd really appreciated! Rx -

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