Chapter 5 - The Prisoner

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: Hook's POV :

I thought I could change her, I really did. She just needed to be honest with me, she just needed to trust me. But no, she had to have secrets, dark secrets. I need to find out what's behind that door, no door is that heavily locked unless something precious is behind it.
I run my finger down my hook, tapping my forefinger on the tip. A tiny spot of blood spurts out of my good hand, I wipe away the blood as I walk into granny's again. The clock on the wall says I've been gone an hour, that was not what it felt like, time must speak up when your angry.
As I reach for my flask, ready to drown my sorrows in alcohol, I spot Robin walking towards me. Regina must be busy if he's still here.

"Did you see her? Did you see Emma?" He asks, intrigued.

"Yes." I sharply reply.

"And. What happened?? Was she as bad as she was last time?" I want to shoot him a look, warning him, but I know he means well.

"She took me to her new house, wherever she magicked that from I will never know. We went inside and she began to talk like nothing was different. Just a normal conversation about the bloody weather and shit." I was bubbling inside by all the events that had happened. "What she wasn't talking about was a strongly locked door leading to who knows where. When I asked her what was behind it she completely changed the subject to-" The question. I had been so horrible! Emma may be different but somewhere in there, somewhere, that beautiful person still lived. And I had told her I no longer loved her. After all my problems with love, I've ruined it again. Thankfully the thief interrupts my dreadful thoughts.

"It doesn't matter what she said, it's obviously private." Maybe I've gained an actual friend during all this. "Let's just..." He takes my flask off me and hands me a cup of some so called coffee, "drink." We clink our mugs and sit there in silence. And not the awkward kind.

: Emma's POV :

I think it's time to use my prisoner. The poor soul looks sad, awwww what a shame!
He looks up from the straw covered floor and stares coldly into my eyes. Probably woke up on the wrong side of bed.

"What's wrong? I made you a delicious meal of straw!" This was just too fun!

"What's wrong is this wasnt meant to happen!" He says as he struggles to his feet.

How wrong he was, "No, this was meant to happen. It was fate! A fate you created!"

"All those years ago when the darkness was taking over, I should have let it. I should have let some die instead. I never should have tethered it to a person."

"Well that's your burden, not mine. You belong in a cartoon anyway, Merlin."

He was just being annoying now, I flick my hand in his direction, knocking him over since he's so weak. I laugh as i walk over to the corner of the room, moving away from the cell, towards a chest. The bejewelled chest opens as I approach, revealing my treasure. The sorcerers heart. It was extremely fun ripping this beauty out of Merlin's chest! A nice chest too. I pick it up and throw it in the air, he groans as it falls back into my hand, such fun!

A sudden thought occurs to me, what Hook said can't go unnoticed. No one, no one, hurts me. I'm the all and powerful Dark One! We might have had a few pleasant moments but, now i think about it, he's just a selfish pirate! I said i loved him but now thats changed.

He killed and innocent mans wife.

He probably killed others.

He took away someones happy ending.

He was a ruthless pirate.

And most of all, he's a coward.

The amount of times I've had to save his guts from death is uncountable! Why should i carry on? He said he didn't love me, so whats the matter. A moan awakes me from my thoughts, i'd been squeezing the prisoners heart as I daydreamed. Whoops! There may be another use for my prisoner as well as my enjoyment.

I want Hook dead.

: Hook's POV :

Robin and I leave Granny's, a buzz of energy running though my veins from the coffee. It really was good! It smelled disgusting and tasted badish too buuuut it made me feel better than rum! It was like magic!

The thief departed from me and walks towards the mayors house. As I head of down to the docks, I see a shadow behind me. My initial thought was Emma but it looked too masculine to be her. The shadow was no where to be seen in the now dark streets. I carry on to my boat.

Morning arrives

I awake to breathe in not the pleasant smell of the sea. Not to the rock of my ship. I reach for my hook but it's not on the stand. I reach for my hook on my arm but there's just the stump.

Lifting open my eyes I find myself tied up (and not in the good way) in Granny's Diner with a strange man staring over me. Not only this but Emma is standing near with what i believe to be a heart, who's ever it is I don't kno. And her dagger.

Dun dun duuuunnn!!! I thought I'd leave it on a cliff Hanger!!! I'll update soon!!! Comment what u think will happen!!!

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