Chapter 2 - Drunk

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~ Hope you liked my last chapter 😊 Please like it and share your friends, with this chapter too!!! Ps: sneak peak from this Sunday's episode looks intense!!! ~

: Hook's POV :


"I'm probably drunk." I say to myself as I take another sip from my flask. Rum always makes everything better. Takes my mind off things, takes my mind off my problems.

Just stay drunk!! Rum is a miricle!!! It always makes you happy!! Take another sip...

Yep. I'm defiantly drunk, a sailers head isn't meant to be filled with voices.

I glance to the window again, getting back my senses for a split second. The person is still staring up at me, still looking like Emma. I rub my eyes and run my hands threw my hair, looking back towards the figure.

It IS Emma.

: David's POV :

I awake to here voices coming from the living room. I turn to my side to see my loving wife, sound asleep, not a care in the world. Until I realise there is a care in the world, Emma is somewhere out there, filled with darkness. I get up to go see what the noise was in the lounge, I see Hook standing at the window, flask in hand. Rolling my eyes, I walk towards him slightly and say, "She's not out the window, Hook." He jumps at the sound of my voice, obviously drunk.

Slurring his words, he manages to say, " yeah she is."

"No, she's not, now go to sleep, it's late and your drunk." I nudge his arm, trying to set him on the sofa. He's a complete mess, huh. I guess Emma did mean something to him, not just another conquest.

"Your wrong Dave. Look" Dave?? He points out the window. "She's right there. New outfit and ev'rything, looking sexy." My protective father kicks in at the word sexy and his (drunk) smirk but I still look to where he's pointing, nothing there, just the darkness of the night.

"Come on Hook, your really drunk. Go to bed." I guide him towards the sofa.

"Noooo... I-i don't wanna leave Emma alone. Get off of me!" He goes back to the window, I follow him but instead of an empty street, this time it's different. There is a female figure down below, i must be drunk now.

"HI EMMA!!" Hook calls, very drunk indeed. She looks up to us and I see her face.

I see my daughter's face.

~ Really short chapter today because I wanted to give you an idea of where Emma was. Please like and comment!!! Thank you!! Rosie x ~

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