Chapter 13 - Grab the keys

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: Killian's POV :

Emma's been acting very strange lately. Ever since Thanksgiving, she's been vomiting. At the start, I believed that her throwing up that thanksgiving night was just from a too mighty of a meal, but now, I don't know what to think. Becoming green and rushing to the loo is not from eating a tad too much.

She keeps telling me that she's fine,

"It's just a small stomach bug, Killian. It'll pass. Please, don't worry about me." She'd say.

When I keep telling her to go to the hospital and get checked out for a illness or something, she'll tell me that that's a stupid idea. Emma's always been bloody stubborn.

Sometimes, she'll suddenly change personality.
She'll shout at random things, then start crying.
Then she'll kiss me as though she's drunk.
I'll put her to bed, kiss her goodnight even if it is 10am.
But then, I'll hear her getting up and stealing some weird brown substance called nutella.

I love her. And she's changing. I must find out why.

: Emma's POV :

I need to keep my feelings in. I cannot, repeat cannot tell Killian. It needs to be my secret. I've done this before, I can do it again. Everything will be fine. I just can't mess up.

But I feel like I already am. I've not been careful enough with what I do. Killian's been especially worried about me lately, constantly asking me what's wrong. Not that I don't like him caring for me, that's actually one of the things I love most about him. But occasionally he's been saying we should visit the hospital for a check up. I disagree, reasuring him that I'm fine. Because if we went to the hospital, the doctors will sing like whales to everyone about what I have.

# About a week after thanksgiving #

: Killian's POV :

"What do you wanna watch then?" Emma asks me as we both sit down on the sofa, about to watch some TV since everyone is out. Henry's with Regina and the Charming's are off on a walk with the baby. Im thankful, Ive been wanting some alone time with Emma for some time now.

"I don't know, you chose." I reply, since I have no clue what the options are and how they work.

"I'll go on netflix." What the hell is netflix? Emma presses a button on this rectangular robot thing and the word 'Netflix' magically appears on a red background.

"What is that?!" I give her a confused look.

"It's a thing where loads of films and TV shows are stored so you just chose one and it plays. Don't worry, it's not gunna hurt us." She laughs at my worried face and pecks me on the lips. Thats better.

"Ill just pick then," She says "Now Henry's out so we can watch something a bit older." Emma presses another few buttons and then the words 'orange is the new black' comes in the screen.

"Orange is the new what? What is thi-"

"For gods sake Killian! Just watch the show!!" She cuts in and laughs at me. I roll my eyes and turn to the screen. At first there is a female voice going on in the background, a baby is being bathed in a sink. Then a older girl in a bath. Then two women in the shower. They are totally flashing. Their bloody bosoms and everything. I like this show already.

"Not that I'm complaining," I whisper in her ear cheekily, "but what the hell is this?" Emma opens her mouth to answer but another voice stops her in her tracks.

"Id like the answer to that question as well." Henrys voice echoes from behind us. Quickly Emma pauses the video, unfortunately at a place where a mass of women are naked in a briggs shower. The television thing goes black after she rushes to unplug it at the wall.

"HENRY!" By this time, the lad and I are laughing our heads off. I can't blame him for being intrigued by what was on the screen, I was at his age. Emma finally joins in, after she gets over the protective parent stage. All of us are on the floor in fits of laughter. But soon my love stops. Her face goes green and she rushes to the loo. The only thing that pops to my head is that I have to get her to the hospital. This has gone too far.

: Emma's POV :

UGH I feel like crap warmed up. There's talking from outside the bathroom. Tiredly, i wipe my mouth and look in the mirror. UGH.

However, whatever I feel, I step outside of the toilet and smile. Trying to reassure the two boys that I'm ok. They just look at me with worried faces. Im not fooling anyone.

Killian's sea blue eyes gaze into mine, searching for an answer I'm not ready to give.

Henry stares at me, with this look as if he's the parent and I'm the child.

I want to tell them, but I can't be sure what their reactions are going to be.

Will they be full of joy? Or full of betrayal.

Will they be full of excitement? Or empty.

I don't even want to think about my parents.

My thoughts are stopped by Henry whispering to Killian.

"I'll get the keys." I hear him say.

"You'll get the keys to what, kid? Where are we going? Don't worry, I'm completely fine guys." I lie.

Neither of them answer me, instead Henry rushes off towards the kitchen and Killian steps towards me. Suddenly his hand and hook are on my shoulders and he's pulling me toward the door.

"I'm sorry love, but you need to get checked out. I love you." He says to me, my heart begins to race and my head is buzzing with confusion.

"I love you too, but what is going on?" I order. It suddenly hits me. They're taking me to the hospital. I can't go there! Everyone will find out!

We walk down they stairs of the loft, well they walk I get shoved, until we reach my yellow bug.

"Do you remember how to drive this bloody thing, lad?" He's gunna let a 13 year old drive?!

"Yep, lets go." Im seated in the back, Henry and Killian in the front. I hear the engine starting and i can't take all the lying anymore.

"STOP!" I shout at the top of my lungs. They both swing their heads towards me, wondering why I yelled so loud.

"I'm pregnant." The engine to my car roars on as two sets of eyes drill into my head.

~ Well done to those who guessed it! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think I'll probably do about 2 more, then I'll do a sequel. But do not worry because I will b starting the sequel very quickly! Vote and comment, and get this to 30 views, 7 votes and 7 comments! CYA, Rx

PS: Who's excited for tonights ep?!?!?! ~

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