Chapter 12 There is a solution to every problem

Start from the beginning

So far, nothing seemed to be happening, and I almost wondered if Tristan had received some incorrect information, or if the Apocalypse had retreated.

"Hey, worry wart, we have surveillance camera all over the perimeter, don't overexert yourself before we get there." Vulture turned around from his conversation with Casey and hollered at me, startling me so much that I almost tripped over a branch.

"Easy there." Diego steadied me on my left, before dropping his voice lower. "I have a feeling that this is just the easy part. Whoever might be out there would wait to see if we can figure out the barrier before they try and do anything."

I nodded. I would have done the same if I was monitoring this area. Any newcomers in this area would be alerted, ready to fend off against enemy. Besides, the focus of everyone who would be here must be on the Academy.

Now that I had sufficiently reasoned my way out of worrying about our current situation (but ten times more worried about what would happen after we reach the barrier), I was able to focus more on where I was walking and not trip over again. Vulture seemed as at ease as ever, laughing and joking with Casey, but his body language told me that he was alert and poised for danger. Casey was of course another matter entirely – if I hadn't known better I would have thought she was trying to flirt with Vulture. But this was either a way to get Viktor to pay her more attention, or a way for her to work off her nerves.

As we got closer to the barrier, the air around us started to feel more and more charged, with a slight hum buzzing in the background. The area around us seemed to take on a certain blue hue and the hair on my neck rose. I felt like each step sent a flurry of sparks up and down my legs, sending small shocks into my body.

"Try not to drink any water." Iris instructed as we entered the line of trees that looked like they were charred black, "It might conduct the electricity."

"So if this barrier is made of electricity, wouldn't that mean that it is run by a machine and not a POE?" Viktor asked, and I could practically hear his brain churning over ideas. "I mean, no POE can sustain such a large amount of power without over exerting themselves."

"We suspect that." Vulture answered, finally breaking off the conversation with Casey fully. "But we can't know for certain. But the energy of this force field has been growing and not declining, so it would unlikely be powered by a human."

I heard the barrier before I could see it; the sizzling sound of electricity flying through the air. Strangely, the intensity of electricity we were feeling seemed to die down a little, as though they were repelled or tamed by something else. I couldn't help but inhale sharply when I saw the barrier up close. It's a truly monstrous, but beautiful thing that almost resembled ice crystals; except it's a far deeper azure blue.

"Why would anyone attempt to touch this thing?" Casey muttered next to me and I nodded in agreement. You would be nuts to think you won't get fried touching this. I offered a meek smile at Vulture and Iris, hoping they didn't take offense in this.

"You don't always get a choice, sweet heart." Vulture answered, but Casey ignored him. I stopped about three meters in front of the barrier, feeling my hair rising around my face and a tingling feeling spreading all over my body. It didn't feel unpleasant, but before I could ponder deeper about the meaning of this, a hand pulled me back.

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