torino. 1.

600 19 4

Italicized words mean english.

also, what the characters are called depends on the point of view, so don't freak out!

The flight was very boring but Dylan slept through most of it. The food sucked. Bleh.

The chibi wondered how the kittens were doing, she hoped they weren't treating Mrs. Anderson badly. She's a truly nice per-

"DYLAN! OVER HERE!" Dylan glanced over and saw Shouyou, man was she glad, she definitely didn't want too long at the airport surrounded by strangers who meant no good.

The chibi started on my way to Shouyou, but he was already running towards her... screaming?

As soon as he reached her, he held her shoulders, while shaking them, and grinned down at me. She grinned back at him.

"Shouyou, are you going to hug me or not?" Immediately her petite body was wrapped in his arms. She hugged back not too long after he initially hugged me with the same amount of crushing force.

"Shouyou, you didn't come alone did you? Who did you bring with you?" She glanced around the airport, wondering who he would bring. He wasn't the type to come alone.

"Dylaaannnn, how did you know I brought someone?" Shouyou whined, she smirked slyly at him and said a simple, you're too predictable and I hope you're not like that on court.

"I brought the entire volleyball team, Dylan! Do you want to meet them?"

"Dumbass, why wouldn't I want to meet the people that I'm going to be spending the next few months with?" She followed him to the airport entrance.

"Dylaaannnn, did you just call me Dumbass? Only Kageyama calls me that, he's so mean to me." Shouyou whined, pretending to be irritated, but sounded more like he was joking. He was serious about the Kageyama part though.

We were out the door when he said the Kageyama part and the scared chibi felt a dark aura coming from the left.

Immediately she jumped behind Shouyou, carefully peeking over his shoulder, scared of what her blue eyes would find.

What she saw was not what was expected.

A tall, very angry blueberry was being scolded by an angel, with a motherly tone. While that was going on, two boys were peeking over a serious-captain-looking dude's shoulder. A very tall guy with glasses was staring at her with a blank expression and a shorter guy with a cowlick, was staring at her with a light dusting of blush on his cheeks muttering 'cute'. A guy with a beard looked about ready to faint, a very beautiful woman, and cute girl were standing next to them.

When the frightened girl saw this, she hid further behind Shouyou.

"Shouyou, is that your volleyball team?" She whispered to Shouyou very nervously.

He turned around and said to her, "Yes that's the volleyball team, don't get intimidated, they're cool! Want them to introduce themselves to you?"

She nodded viciously in return, Shouyou instantly made her feel better about being around them. He stepped to the side and spoke.

"Hey guys, Dylan doesn't like big crowds of people. So introduce yourselves one by one, she'll go first." She squeaked but did as he said.

The chibi bowed deeply and said, "Dylan Brown, Second Year, and please call me Dylan!"

The captain guy stepped forward, "Sawamura Daichi, Third Year, Captain, and please call me Daichi."

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