letter. 4

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Hey Hinata,

Weird question, but can I call you Shouyou?

Yes, I used to play volleyball, I was the setter for my team. Our team was one of the most popular teams in America due to the wide variety of players that we had.

If you want more information about my team look up my name and 'The Saber Tooth Pride'. That was my middle school's team name.

I left the team because no one provided a challenge, not even my own teammates, and it's not like they needed me to continue being the best junior high school. They're still the best junior team in America.

Anyways, enough about me.

Noya-Senpai is the the libero? He seems pretty cool from the way you described him, but don't tell him that or his ego will inflate.

Sugawara sounds a lot like the mom of the team, though the team probably needs him.

Do you have any siblings? If so how many? Are they cute?

I bet they are. Probably as energetic as you are.

Did Kageyama go to Kitagawa First? If he is then he is an impressive setter and I hope to try his skills. He sounds like a challenge, a challenge that I need to improve.

How high can you jump?

What does spiking feel like?

I wish you luck in your upcoming tournament!

Your Friend,
Dylan Brown

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