info. 1

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Hey guys this is a slight AU where every first year in Karasuno is a assigned a pen pal from a high school in America to help them better learn English.

After about ten letters the students from America go to Miyagi to better improve their Japanese while also learning about their culture and country.

The students coming from America stay in Miyagi for about three months. It's sort of like a student exchange program. While the American students they will educate the Japanese students on America.

The pen pals in this ff are going to be Dylan (Brown) and Shouyou (Hinata).

Hinata did it so he doesn't fail English, while Dylan was bored with being an honor roll girl and decided she wanted to go to Japan.

Feel free to ask questions! I've already written two letters and one 'between the letters' short.

I'm just hoping that I don't give up on this ff.

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