letter. 10.

471 19 11

Hey Shouyou,

How did your match go with Aoba Johsai? I wasn't able to watch it because my cat knocked a glass of water onto my laptop.

Oh wait.

This is the last letter, I probably shouldn't ask questions, but I bet you guys did great. I will never doubt you Shouyou!

I stay fit because I never know when I'm going to come out of retirement from volleyball. And anyways it's better for my brain if my body is healthy!

I think my friend's name was Wakatoshi Ushijima? It's been awhile since I've seen him and I wouldn't expect him to remember me either.

Don't tell anybody but, my worst fear is being alone forever. Most of my life I've been alone because my mother and father are rarely ever there. But I've learned how to be around others while not being there. I've learned how to blend into a crowd full of monotonous people.

Please don't tell anybody Shouyou.

People have left me and never returned. It's scary.

But anyways onto a lighter topic! KiKi had kittens! I'm going to name them all after the Karasuno volleyball team! They're all so cute I wish I could bring them with me to Torino.

I named the orange and brown one Shouyou. He's really energetic! A lot like you Shouyou!

I named the blonde one Kei, he's the loner out of them all and he likes strawberries!

The black kitten that always had a cowlick, I named Tadashi he likes to follow Kei around a lot because the other kittens like to play but he doesn't. He's very lazy.

There was the oddball grey kitten that I named Koushi, he acts like a little mommy when the KiKi isn't around! It's so cute.

And the last kitten was a black and white one that I named Ryu, he's the one to initiate fighting/playing with the other kittens. But he's so cute!

The kittens are a handful and I kind of feel bad leaving them with Mrs. Jones, my teacher. But I can't take them with me.

See you soon Shouyou, I'm leaving for Torino tomorrow!

Your Friend,
Dylan Brown

last letter! i'm doing a christmas special, and i'm posting it next because you know christmas present, along with the first chapter in torino.

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