in between letters. 2.5

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As soon as class had ended for the day Hinata collected his letter and was at the second gym in a flash.

"What Hinata?"

Sugawara was definitely curious as to what had Hinata so worked up. Sure, there were quite a few things that got Hinata worked up by he seemed especially hyper.

"I GOT THE LETTER FROM DYLAN! Can you help me read it?"

Hinata slowly stopped shouting before Daichi decided to get angry. Suga was one of the few (nice) people that spoke fluent English. Hinata didn't understand english very well and was willing to help with his pen pal letters. Everyone just continued on with their daily practice.

"Sure Hinata! Just give me a second."

Setting one last ball to Asahi he walked over to Hinata, who was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Grabbing the already open letter he read the words on the paper out loud to Hinata.

"Hey Hinata,

It's Dylan Brown, I'm very glad to have a pen pal like you!"

Hinata became and waited for Suga to continue on.

"Some basic info about me; I'm 16 years old, I'm 4'11" (149.8cm)-"


Everyone that could hear Suga reading the letter aloud. That included Tanaka, Hinata, and Noya himself.

"Guys no interupting, othwrwise I'll get Daichi."

A threatening aura was emanating from Suga, everyone backed away or calmed down.

"-I'm pretty short for my age, and I don't play volleyball but I do find it awesome to watch!"

"Hinata, you're so lucky to have gotten a pen pal that thinks volleyball is awesome. I remember my pen pal, he hated any sport that existed."

Daichi butted in hearing that last part of what was said. Hinata see me even more hyped to meet his pen pal in a few months.

"Our school has a female volleyball team but its not very good. The boys team was disbanded about two years ago because of the lack of members."

A mixed reply was heard from the team, some were disappointed that the boys team was disbanded and other were disappointed that Dylan's team sucked.

"I'm just now thinking about this, but how are you a middle blocker being that tall? I can barely even reach the middle of the net!"

Hinata didn't even react but to laugh at Dylan's height. Others laughed at the fact that someone who didn't even know Hinata was underestimating him.

"And to answer your questions;

I'm a girl, my parents just wanted me to be unique.

America is pretty awesome!

Also very sorry for not filling out my entire information sheet, I submitted it later than intended.

My favorite food would have to be strawberry shortcake!"


Noya and Tanaka both shouted at the same time, jealous, when people did pen pals at Karasuno you were assigned a pen pal of the same gender. The reason behind this was when your pen pal came to visit, they stayed with their pen pal.

"Anyways~ I used to play volleyball but I just lost my motovation to play it. I still enjoy it I just don't play it anymore.

Off topic, but what is your team like? You seem to like volleyball a lot, and a team definitely determines how much you like the sport."

Hinata was beaming by also said that some one lost a passion for his favorite sport.

"And yeah I'll send a picture of me, you look like a ball of sunshine! Doesn't 'Hi' mean sun?

And I'm definitely pumped to see your practice match!

Your pen pal,
Dylan Brown"

"Awww, your pen pal is so nice Hinata! I can't wait to meet her."

Suga was acting like the motherly figure he was by teasing him, Hinata blushed at the comment. He took the letter from Suga, put it away, and joined the rest of the team. Occasionally the team tossed a comment about his pen pal to Hinata. But they let up eventually

Pen PalsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant