God he's a nervouse wreck "No Kyle it's not that I actually love it, it's gorgeous, breath taking. But..." I look up at him with a worried face "But...?" he looks down at me with his eye brow raised. "But I can't help but think about how expensive this must have been."

He let out a reliving sigh. I look up at him smiling at how worried he must have been "Don't worry your pretty little heart about that. To be honest its expensive yes but I can afford it." He says looking down at me with a smile. I can't help but wonder what if I met him before meeting Geo.

Would everything be different? "It's nothing really I got it and it took me forever looking for the perfect necklace for the perfect girl."

Blushing like an idiot I hide my face. "Don't do that" he says gideing my face with his index finger and thumb. Then he pushes my single strand of hair behind my ear.

"Do what?" I look up at him with a confused face. "Hide that gorgeous face of yours from me." This man has made me blush more in one night then I do in a whole day. "Oh.... Sorry" I look at the necklace in my hand.

Moving the necklace in his direction I ask "Do you mind?" signaling him to put the necklace on for me. "Of course not" he winks at me. Well their both cute and cocky I say to myself. Turning around I feel him inch closer to me and move the necklace in front of me to position it on my neck. I feel his breath tickle my neck and lock the necklace in place.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers in my ear. My eyes flutter close when I feel him place small kisses on my neck and shoulder. "T-Thank y-you" if I wasn't nerves before then I sure am now. Wow he's good. "You ready to go beautiful?" he motions for me to grab his arm.

"As ready as I can be" we start walking when I notice there's no car. Hmm. "Umm Kyle, where are we going?" its hot as I don't know what and I have long pants and long sleeves and noticing there's no car I'm guessing we are going to walk to are destination. God I hope it's not far because I don't want to sweat.

As if reading my mind he replies "It's a surprise and don't worry it's not far." Gideing me towards the woods I can't help but be excited. The only place I could think of when he told me to dress cozy was the ice skating ring. If it's not there then why else would I need to dress cozy?

Getting closer to the woods I look down at my feet and frown. Bad day to wear sneaker wedges. "Is everything ok?" I hear Kyle asking from next to me. "Yeah it's just..." he looks at me with a raised eyebrow waiting for me to continue.

"it's just I think I picked a bad day to wear my boots as you can tell I'm pretty clumsy and while I'm good at walking in them on flat surfaces I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall flat on my face walking in the woods with them." Before I have a chance to react he sweeps me of my feet and carries me bridle style while a little scream escapes my mouth "Better?" he says smiling at me and winking. After I finish my fit of giggles I kiss his cheek and say "Much." This day is going perfect but I can't help but think about Geo at the same time. He's my mate shouldn't things be easier.

Thinking back on the decision I have to make makes me nerves if I pick the wrong guy one of them

Will get hurt and I won't be able to live with myself if that happens. After a comfortable silence Kyle breaks it. "Where here. Close your eyes." He says excited and gently places me down. Closing my eyes I feel him place his hands on my eyes.

Dang it now I can't peek. "Are you ready?" he whispers dangerously close to my ear. "Um duh" I say laughing and I feel his chest vibrate on my back when he chuckles. Moving his hands off my eyes "Ok open" he moves out the way and I gasp in front of me stands dark purple air balloon. "Holy....." my jaw drops at the sight inside the basket there's a picnic basket and a bouquet of flowers.

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