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Person: I heard there was an accident.
Me: W-why are you here?
Person: Cause you killed my homeboy.
Me: You tricked Cookie and fooled-(gco)
Person: Ya know, my brother loved you.
Me: He was my cousin.
Person: But not by blood.
Me: He raped me.
Person: You liked it.

I scream and he runs through the door. Jamal comes running in.

Jamal: What happened in the studio.
Me: The glass shattered.
Jamal: They found a wine glass.
Me: What do you mean?
Jamal: Who else was in there?
Me: No one.

Hakeem walks in with his girl and eyes me down.

Hakeem: Happened to her?
Me: None of your biz.
Hakeem: Just asking.
Jamal: Something caused the glass to shatter and damaged her skin.
Girl: We gotta go perform at the prison with your mom so let's go.
Me: She got you on a leash.
Hakeem: Zeke had you on one too.

Tears brimmed my eyes buy I just turned over and shut them tight.

Tiana: I'm here finally.
Me: T, can I go home?
Tiana: Not yet, they-(gco)
Doctor: Everyone out except her family.
Me: T, can you stay?

She nods and sits on the chair.

Doctor: Now, we can unwrap these bandages from your face.
Me: There are bandages on my face?
Doctor: We had to undergo surgery.

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