"You don't need to do that."

"But I'm not going to be home."

"I know, but I will be."

"Oh, no. I'm not ...."

"Hunter, I'll be fine. She and I have to find a way to get along for Harper's sake."


"No buts. If noontime is when Renee wants to see her daughter, then that's when it will be."

"I don't like this."

"I'm not thrilled about it either, but she's going to be leaving for her acting job soon and she won't be able to see Harps for quite awhile."

"Are you sure about this?"


"She wants to pick her up and take her back to her place for awhile. Maybe it won't be so bad. I'll suggest that WE come pick her up after I'm done work."

"You don't need to come get me. I trust you to get Harper by yourself."

"I trust me, too. It's Renee I'm not sure about. I'm still not convinced that she's not going to try something to break us up. I'd just feel better if you were with me. Do you mind?"

"Not at all." She smiles.

I look at my watch and notice the time. "Okay, well it's getting late. I need to head to the studio. I'll call Renee from the car and then let you know what we work out."

"Okay. I'll get Harper ready."

"Give her a kiss for me and tell her I love her."

"I will." She says as she passes me my travel mug full of coffee. "Love you. Drive safe."

I bend over and kiss her lips. "I love you, too. Bye."



Liddy's POV

Come on Hunter pick up the phone!


"Hey Babe, I know you're busy and I hate to bother you at work, but I NEED to tell you something!" I'm so excited I'm jumping up and down.


"Remember last night I told you I was going to spend some time doing research on Juvenile Arthritis and Lyme Disease?"


"Well, I did that this morning after you left and I learned that in Lyme Disease cases sometimes the symptoms may take up to a month before they present themselves. So I did the math from when we noticed Harper had a fever and realized that 20 to 30 days ago, she was spending A LOT of time with Renee."


"So I started to wonder if maybe Renee may have noticed a tick on Harper or the typical bulls eye rash that some people get and just forgot to mention it. So I asked her when she was here to pick up Harps."


"And she found an engorged tick full of blood, in Harper's bed one morning about 3 weeks ago."

"You're kidding me? Why wouldn't she say something?"

"I guess she didn't think it was that important."

"Oh My God! Does this mean what I think it means?"

"If you're thinking that there's a really good chance that Harper has Lyme and not leukemia then I agree. You need to call Dr. Fields' office and tell them."

"Okay, I will right now!"

"Let me know what they say."

"I will. God, I love you."

"I love you, too. Bye."


Once I put the phone down, I start dancing around the room. I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure Lyme disease is what Harper has. She has all the symptoms, joint pain in the hands, feet and knees, a rash which doesn't have to be the typical Bull eye type, a fever, lack of appetite and fatigue. From what I read the longer it takes to discover the more difficult it is to get rid of, which concerns me but at least it isn't fatal, like leukemia can be.


Hunter's POV

I feel like the luckiest man in the whole wide world. My baby girl does NOT have leukemia. After talking with Dr. Fields and telling him about the tick Renee found in Harps bed he's convinced she has Lyme Disease. He said he suspected it all along but without any known exposure to a tick bite he felt he needed to wait for a test to be done to confirm it.

But now that we know she was bitten, he called in a prescription for 30 days worth of an antibiotic. He warned me that she might need to be on it for longer if her symptoms don't go completely away and even if they do, she may have a relapse. According to Dr. Fields the longer it takes to diagnose Lyme Disease the harder it is to cure. Sometimes it can lay dormant in your system for months or years before the symptoms will return. I guess a lot of people aren't aware of that so he wanted me to know, just in case.

Along with the antibiotic she is going to need to be on large doses of probiotics to replenish the healthy bacteria that is killed off along with the bad. She'll need to stay on the probiotic for weeks after she has completed the antibiotic. It'll be a nuisance to have to have her take it each day, but I don't care as long as it will make her better.

When I pull into the driveway Liddy is already waiting for me. She is smiling from ear to ear. She already knows what the doctor said, because I couldn't wait to call and give her the good news.

"Did you pick up everything she needs?" She asks as she hops into the passenger seat and buckles the seat belt.

I lean over and kiss her. "Of course I did."

"You got the ...."

"I got exactly what the doctor told me to get. Don't worry."

"I'm sorry. I'm just excited to finally know what she has and to start treating it. I can't wait for her to start feeling better."

"You and me both." I say before reaching for her hand. "Thank you, for figuring out she has Lyme."

"Stop it, I didn't do anything."

"Yes, you did! I hope you know, I'm never going to be able to thank you enough."

She smiles and leans over to kiss my lips. "You did already, when you asked me to share my life with you and Harper."


So we FINALLY know what she has! Yeah!!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter.

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