09: The Cynical Meeting

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"I know. I already did that. But apparently, there's no such as 'happy thoughts' in my dictionary," he hissed, thinking of how he tried to smile as he tried his best to think of happy thoughts.

"That's probably because that's two words, sir. You can't find two words in a dictionary," she said.

Hana's lips twitched, wanting to laugh out loud, yet she forced herself not to so as to not ruin the mood. It was rare that the CEO wasn't even telling her to get out of his office, too, and she was going to make us of it.

Needless to say, she was having fun mocking the CEO.

"Miss Choi, there are different types of dictionaries. Trust me. You wouldn't want to know what type of dictionary I am holding," he said, glaring at his secretary. "Never mock me Miss Choi, or else, let's just say goodbye with your God forsaken deal we made."

"No can do, sir. A contract is a contract. We had already binded ourselves through our agreement, hence the signatures we made and the company seal that you stamped on the paper," she said, smirking back, as if she was showing him that she wasn't backing down. "Besides, sir. I had already framed our contract. I had also sent a copy of it to my lawyer friend and got it notarized. You can't back down, sir. Your identity is already sealed within our agreement."

"Are you threatening me now?" Chanyeol growled under his breath, rage building up thinking of the way his secretary was mocking him at the moment.

"Sir, we both know that I am not threatening you whatsoever. I am most definitely aware that you will threaten me to cancel the contract though, so we can just say that I am only making sure that we are both aware of what's at stake here," she said, "Anyway, let's deal with the matter in our hands right now, sir. We only have ten minutes left on the clock. You need to be ready to smile later."

"How about we just forget about the smile and proceed to the meeting, then? I am sure that attending my meeting in due time is more important that flashing a mere smile to my clients," he said.

"Sir, ten minutes is surely a long time for a mere smile," she said, though she did notice the disbelief on her boss' face. "How about this, sir? We get to practice for the remaining ten minutes, and see if you do get the job done. If you don't, then we forget about the whole smiling thing. If you do, however, get to smile at your clients, at least after you finish your proposal, and if the clients happen to agree, then I'll grant you three wishes -- whatever you like or whatever you want me to do. It's your choice, only if it doesn't involve anything connected with that contract. How's that?" She offered, ecstatic.

It was something that she had offered beforehand to a lot of people before, and let's just say that they agreed knowing that they didn't have much to bargain, unlike Hana.

Chanyeol's eyebrows knitted together in thought, contemplating whether he should accept or not. Truthfully, it was a very absurd deal -- a very childish one at that. "Fine, but if I don't manage to convince them, make sure you keep your end of the deal. I don't want you backing out from it when I succeed."

Hana grinned, feeling accomplished. She was surprised that he had accepted that easily, but then again, he didn't have much to lose anyway which was quite understandable. "Don't worry, sir. I always keep my promises. Always," she said, flashing him a bright smile before continuing, "Anyways sir, let's practice."

* * * * *

"As you all know, this is a very important project that the company wants to pursue. We had done enough researches for the past weeks that can prove the effectivity and the efficiency of this project. It will not only be able to utilize our expenses; we will also be able to attract a new market in the suburbs and the provincial areas all around South Korea, which will eventually gain us more market share gradually. Our appliances are proven to be relatively affordable for the market as well. We had discovered that most of the people living in the provinces had been using old appliances daily, which quite hinders most of the small businesses that operate there. The word-of-mouth scheme is high effective in those provinces too, cutting possible costs for advertisements," Chanyeol explained as he stood in front of the conference room.

The Impassioned Interchange (Park Chanyeol)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin