07: The Cordial Agreement

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Hana sighed, frustrated. She had been waiting for the CEO's reply all day but to no avail. She had already planned on going to the company prior to the message that she sent yesterday, but the fact that there had been no feedback coming from the other made her think otherwise; she didn't want to go back in that company without a purpose after all. She was already tired of going there and leaving without any result.

Rolling on her bed, she sighed and stared at the message that she received a few minutes ago. It was a very suspicious message, telling her to go to Starbucks to apparently "talk." She doubted that it was the CEO, not only because it was from a different number, but mostly because it was too much of an informal message which contradicts Park Chanyeol's personality.


Cursing, Hana stood up and kicked the wall, knowing what that thud was.

"Keep it down, people. You're not the only people breathing in this apartment!" She hollered, irritated.

Apparently, Jiyeon had become worse, bringing men to their apartment even in broad daylight. She would have to have a talk with her seemingly lost friend, soon. They were running out of food in the apartment as well. It was Hana who had been supplying the apartment with food all the while, but with her problems at the moment – being unemployed and indebted – she couldn't really shop for food. She couldn't bear to spend her savings either.

She sighed and headed towards the bathroom, knowing that it would probably best to get ready and meet the person who had texted her.

It might be important as well – more so, it might be an interview for a company or something, though she highly doubted that as a company wouldn't normally interview their applicants at a local café, much less in Starbucks.

After washing up, she headed towards her closet, deciding that it would be best to go with casual clothes, especially since there wasn't any reassurance that she would be meeting someone professional. The text had been quite informal in the first place, too. After wearing her black jeans and white, long-sleeved shirt, she took her phone and wallet and wore her Converse shoes before finally exiting the apartment, leaving Jiyeon and whomever the man she was with, alone.

She puffed her cheeks as she walked towards Starbucks which was thankfully located near her apartment building – much to her relief.

She was about to order a frap when she realized that she would be spending her money with it, so she put her wallet on her pocket and brought her phone out instead, typing a message back to the person who sent the message earlier. The sender replied eventually, informing her that he was close the Starbucks and that he would be arriving at the shop. Soon enough, a man had entered the shop, his eyes automatically landing on her.

He walked gracefully and approached her table, grinning as he sat.

"Good afternoon, Miss Choi. I'm glad that you accepted my invitation," the man said.

Hana scrutinized the man, examining whether he looked like an extortionist of some sort. The man had chubby cheeks, though he was rather thin and a bit short. He wore a business attire, telling her that he was somehow professional. He had a big smile on his face, though his eyes told her that he was hiding something – something that she couldn't seem to read.

Sighing when she noticed nothing abnormal, she began to speak. "It's not an invitation if I happen to be the first one to arrive," she said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Ah. I apologize for that. I had... businesses to attend to," the man said, his eyes glinting something.

Her eyebrows rose, scoffing, "Whatever. So what is this 'talk' all about, and how did you get my number?"

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