I shook my head and started eating the potato chips. "There's nothing really to prepare for. We'll all just be outside for the full moon. And the four of us will be holding hands while Naomi and I recite the spell" I informed her.

"I'm slightly confused on why I'm here" Dammit. I guess I can't avoid him forever.

Holding back my anger, I looked at my mate who used to be silently sitting at the kitchen island. "Naomi needs more magical items, so the spell won't wear her out. Nothing is more powerful than a mate bond" I stated. I quickly looked down at my bag of chips, already feeling the stupid bond wanting me to forgive him.

"Jacobs. I need your help with something. Asher should come too" Eve stated as she walked out with the two men following behind her.

Ryan also nodded his head. "I'll go help them" he practically ran out the kitchen, hitting the door frame on his way out. "Um... That never happened" he blurted before exiting the room.

Traitors! I mentally screamed.

'We are not traitors. Just talk to him' I looked around. I didn't even see Eve come back into the room. 'You mind-linked us by the way. Good job' she stated.

I shrieked in surprise. It's weird to hear someone's voice in your head. 'How do I like end this mind call thingy?' I thought. I hoped that they could hear me.

I could hear their laughter in my mind. Definitely one of the weirdest experiences of my life. And I found out that I was kidnapped. So that's saying something. 'Just stop talking, sweetheart. Or put up your wall' Ash- Dad; I meant Dad said.

After thanking them, I quickly put up my mental wall. It's actually quite easy. "You done mind-linking?" Thomas asked. I slowly nodded my head and stuffed some chips in my mouth to prolong this conversation. I was too engrossed in the chips, that I didn't notice that Thomas had stood up and moved right in front of me.

He took the bag of chips off of my lap and set them on the island behind him. I continued to avoid eye contact with him. I felt like once I looked into his blue eyes, I would instantly forgive and forget. I would cave. "Audrey" he whispered softly. I hummed in response as I stared at my lap, where the bag of chips used to lay.

He sighed in defeat and rested his hands on the countertop next to my thighs. "I'm sorry" he whispered. His voice sounded like he was physically in pain. Like it was killing him that I was mad. And that's why I finally looked up. However, his blue eyes were no longer focused on me. Thomas had his eyes closed and I took the time to actually look at him.

He was wearing a plain grey t-shirt and dark blue jeans. On his feet was a pair of black, beat-up sneakers. His hair was messy; a look that I knew was from running his hand through his brown locks. My gaze ran down his arms, where his veins were slightly popping out. His fists were clenching and unclenching next to my thighs.

"I was wrong" he admitted quietly. I watched as his fists continued to clench up before they relaxed, only to repeat the process. "I was unfair and inconsiderate. You have every right to know what I find out. And it was wrong to keep it from you" he looked up at me and our eyes locked. "We're mates. There shouldn't be any secrets between us" he whispered.

I nodded in agreement and loosely wrapped my arms around his neck with my hands playing with the hair at the back of his head. "I missed you. I know it's only been a day and I probably sound clingy. But I really, really missed you" he told me softly. I sighed and leaned forward so our foreheads were touching. "Please come home" he pleaded.

I stayed quiet, pondering over his words. I knew his apology was sincere. But I also knew that the mate bond made his feelings more heightened. The mate bond always manages to bring mates back to each other. It could just be the bond talking. "Princess, please" he begged, his eyes piercing into mine. I'll admit, the nickname made my heart flutter in a way that I've never experienced. Sure, I've been called 'Princess' before. It was usually when Anthony and I would go somewhere and I would have him wait for me to get ready. Or in the castle or packs, people would use 'Princess' as my title.

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