Mrs. Rueford

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I quickly forgot about my conversation with Chelsey about my biological father as soon as I started working. It had been 3 weeks now since I spoke to her about it and when I walked passed the lobby and saw my father on the news being interviewed I recalled about telling Cooper my real identity.

It hasn't occurred to me that it's something I should be open about. I haven't spoken to anyone about it, not even Lexi and if there's one person who knows about it mildly it would be Chelsey.

I just never really thought that I needed to discuss about it or even let anyone know the truth because what's the sense? What's the point bringing it up. The man is happily married with his dream in the palm of his hand and a complete family. Why would I go about letting the world know about it? To ruin his reputation? I'd have to admit he's got a good record and most people love that's he's the leader of the country. He has a good image to keep up with and no negative issues brought up about his personal life and most people look up to him and I really believe it doesn't matter anymore.

Deep inside of me I have a resentment towards the fact that he abandoned me, his own flesh and blood for his ambition. That I had no father beside me growing up to protect me from the ugliness of the world specially when my mom passed away.

How could he make it seem easy while he wasn't around while I needed someone. And I hate it that I'm so insecure because I've felt that he left because of me and the rejection is just too painful to even remember. Knowing the truth had an effect in my self esteem. That I was to be kept secret unworthy for the world to know that I exist in his life and every single time someone I care about leaves I always end up blaming myself and thinking maybe I'm not really wanted, that I'm easy to leave and that I am forgettable.

And it all started when he left us behind and now that I have my own life and created a world and wall within me, why does it seem like I have to include him in the picture where he doesn't need to belong?

I sigh with a little bitterness. I've maybe forgiven him but I can never forget what it had done to me and I may have moved on but I'm not ready to be acquainted with him in any way and I certainty don't know when I'll ever be ready for it.

I shake my head as Charlotte calls my attention.

Today is a commercial shoot for an expensive perfume brand. The usual, no talk, just plain action. I've gotten used to different crowds now and for the past week Cooper managed to avoid Ulrich and the douche totally doesn't have any recollection as to what happened to him and still keeps up with his candid asshole-ness every time he gets a chance.

He brought me donuts and flowers too! Can you imagine the disrespect he has to do so as if he doesn't know I'm with Cooper. They all ended up in the trash specially when he sent someone to bring me a set of jewelry which I politely declined.

Of course I told Cooper and his fists just balls up with the mention of his name so I change the subject as quickly as I could.

Yesterday I was at my apartment to check on my things and nana my neighbor who was delighted to see me. She told me some cleaners never failed to tidy up my room and I know it was Cooper who did it for me. Everything was in place and in order and it didn't seem like it wasn't lived on for a long while now. I packed some things and left again.

I missed living in it for sure but with the situation, I cannot afford staying here alone and I wouldn't want nana to be dragged in it. Me and Cooper spoke about Godiva and they're not giving up locating her.

According to their findings she's just around town planning her next move probably. The thought of her scares me specially now that I know what she can do. I never slept at night not knowing there are guards outside making sure everyone is out of her reach.

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