Chapter 15: Remember Me

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(After watching MyStreet ep 8) Haha! Let the shipping wars commence! I died when Cadenza broke the door down. Lol, welcome aboard the Laurmau ship, Cadenza! I was agreeing with her so much! But I also was agreeing with Nicole... Garmau and Laurmau are both kawaii ships! And that was only Pt 1! So there will be a Pt 2? Aw man, I'm sure Garroth and Laurence will stab each other in the back trying to kiss Aphmau. XD anyways, hope ya enjoy! ~Kitty
---Aphmau's POV---

*sighs* I don't know what I'm doing... Do I really love Laurence? Or am I just saying that to make him feel less bad? I wish I could remember the truth. There has to be some way! I walk back to my house, or what seems like my house, and go to sleep.

---Laurence's POV---

I stayed in the guard tower that night. I sat against the wall thinking about... Aphmau. I really love her. But I don't know if she loves me back... With her memories being gone I... I don't know what to think of her. I want to stay with her forever. But I don't know if that could happen... She doesn't remember anything about our past! I sighed, then sang.

Thinking out loud: (song at top)

When your legs don't work
Like they use to before
And I can't sweep you
Off of your feet
Will your mouth still
Remember the taste of
My love?
Will your eyes still
Smile from your cheeks?
Darlin' I will
Be lovin' you
Till we're seventy
Baby my heart
Could still fall as
At twenty three
I'm thinkin' bout'
People fall in love in
Mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch
Of a hand
Me, I fall in love with
You every single day
I just wanna tell
you I am

So honey now
Take me into your
Lovin' arms
Kiss me under the light
Of a thousand stars
Place your head on
my beating heart

I'm thinkin' Out loud

Maybe we found love
right where we are

When my hairs all
But gone and my
Memory fades
And the crowds don't
Remember my name
When my hands don't
Play the strings the
Same way (mmm)
I know you will
Still love me the same

'Cause honey your
Can never grow
It's evergreen
Baby your smile's
Forever my in mind
in Memory
I'm thinking 'bout how
People fall in love in
mysterious ways
Maybe it's all apart
Of a plan
I'll just keep on
Making the same
Hopin' that you'll

That baby now
Take me into your
Lovin' arms
Kiss me under the light
Of a thousand stars
Place your head on
My beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love
Right where we are
(Ohh, ohh)

Baby now
Take me into your
Lovin' arms
Kiss me under the light
Of a thousand stars
(Oh, darlin')
Place your head on
My beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

Maybe we found love
right where we are

Maybe we found love
Right where we are

Maybe we found love
right where we are

I finished with another sigh. I want her desperately. But I'm too shy. Am I? I don't know.

"L-Laurence is that you?" I herd a familiar voice. I stood up quickly.

Was someone listening to me sing?

"Huh? W-Who's there?" I asked. Then the person climbed up the ladder and appeared in front of me.

"Wow you're a dummy, it's me, Kawaii~Chan?" Yep, it was her. Kawaii~Chan. I blushed.

"D-Did you hear me singing?" I asked. She giggled.

"Well yeah, I did. I didn't want to come up and interrupt you. So, I just listened." She said.

"W-Well I-I—" I started.

"You're not a bad singer Laurence. You don't have to worry!" She said smiling.

"B-But no one was meant to hear that... I thought everyone was sleeping!" I said.

"Yeah, sorry! I was walking to my house when I decided to check on you. Oh, by the way, you were... talking about Aphmau... Weren't you." She said.

"Y-Yeah...." I said.

"You must love her very much, I'm so sorry for you. Believe it or not, I kind of know how you feel." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I'm sorta in a love-triangle at the moment. I— Well, I kind of am in love with Dante. But... Brenden loves me... So... I am not sure what to do. And I want to be with Dante so badly! But that would really hurt Brenden. Even though they're completely different scenarios, I still feel your pain." She said. I sighed.

"What do I do Kawaii~Chan... She doesn't remember anything! It feels like the past never happened. Is there a way to return her memories?" I asked.

"Hmmm.... Emmalyn is a pretty smart cookie. She might be able to figure something out." Said Kawaii~Chan.

"REALLY!? Thanks so much for telling me!" I hugged Kawaii~Chan.

"Heh, no problem. I only want to help you." She said.

---Aphmau's POV---

I was shaken awake by a soft noice. I opened my eyes and groaned. I rolled over to my side and saw a little baby on the floor. He was crawling.

"Mamma! I miss u!" He said.

"M-Mamma? Y-You're my kid? How...?" I asked.

"Mamma was gone for long time. Now she back! Yay!" The little boy tried to stand, but fell over. I giggled and picked him up.

"Heh, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Le-vin! Levin!" He said.

"Hi Levin! I am Mamma." I said.

"Hehe! Levin know dat." He said. I laughed.

"I can't believe I couldn't remember you...." I told myself. How was Levin my kid? Is he even my kid?

"Tehe! Mamma play!" He shouted. He pointed at the desk. It had a music box on it. I grabbed it and wound it up. It played a soft tune. "La la la!" He sang, "You and I'll be safe and sound! Teehee!"

Huh? What was he singing about? Wait... Why does it feel like I've sang those lyrics before?


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