10. Fin

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Chapter 10. Zayn

 "Hello.." I shined my flashlight at the door. My hand was shaking but you couldn't really notice cause Niall's light was also shining with my light. "We should go Zayn" Liam simply said. I could hear fear in his voice. I just walked out of the room. I heard the noise again from behind Liam and Niall. I noticed the chair moved. "Did you two move the freaking chair" I looked at Liam. "No.." I felt this cold breeze on my neck. I shivered and turned around. Nothing was there. I walked to another room but the door slammed before I could go in it. I tried to open it but it was locked. "Zayn" I heard Liam yell. It sounded like it was far away. But he was in the room right next to mine.. I kept trying to open the door but it didn't move. I kicked it open and there was a window open. I kept feeling chills as I walked in here but didn't pay attention to it. I walked into the middle of the room. There were blood spots all over the room. There was nothing in here just a chair by the window. What was this place?... Why did my mum come here to jump? But did she really jump and die.. Like Liam said there's a roof thing going all the way around the building. Did someone push her.. I was the only one here.. If she hit the roof she couldn't of died.. She could of just simply hurt.. I looked out the window and saw just the roof. I don't know what to think anymore. My mum can't be alive.. Can she? No she can't! She's been dead for 7 years! She couldn't just life in this place.. She would die easily.. I looked at the chair and I saw a figure. A backed away from the chair and hit the wall. I looked up and the ceiling was all red.. Blood red. The figure was still sitting on the chair. There was nothing to the figure. Just it was a sitting figure on the chair. I looked at the figure and it just disappeared. I noticed the figure was right next to me. I tried to scream but I couldn't. The figure now looked like a woman.. "L-Liam.." I kept trying to scream but whatever I said came as a whisper. Liam came running in the room and the figure went right past him. "Did you see that" I asked Liam. "What?" "A figure just pasted right passed you!" He shook his head. "Where's Niall?" Liam looked behind him and he wasn't there. "LIAM!!" We ran down stairs to find where he was. "HOLY SHIT! SOMEONE GET THEIR ASSES DOWN HERE" Niall kept cursing. You could hear him punching on a wall. Liam tried to open the door. "It's locked.." "NIALL UNLOCK THE DAMN DOOR!" "I can't! THERE'S NOT EVEN A FUCKING LOCK" Niall yelled. I saw the figure walk up the stairs. As much as I wanted to follow it I needed to help Niall. "NIALL BACK AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" "Okay!" I kicked down the door and Niall wasn't there. "Fuck" I mumbled. "Where is he Zayn?" "I don't know.." "NIALL!" Me and Liam heard Niall screaming but we couldn't find where it was coming from. "Zayn we can't leave him" Liam started to cry. "I never said we were!" "Where is he Zayn" Liam kept crying. "I don't know Li.." I kept getting chills down my back. I just wanna leave.. Liam walked into the room where Niall was and saw a closet. "Niall.." Niall busted out of the closet and fell to the floor. When Niall fell out of the closet it closed. "Ni.. What happened?" "I don't know. I just wanna go home" Niall was crying on the floor. "Zayn" Liam looked at me. I couldn't stop looking at the closet. "ZAYN" Liam yelled. "What" I looked at Liam. "Were leaving. Now" Liam demanded. I nodded and walked out of the place. I can't explain what I just went through.. I just wanna believe it was a dream.. Nothing but a dream..


Me and Liam finally got home after taking Niall home. He was shaking the whole ride home. When we walked inside it was all dark and quiet. "I'm gonna take a shower" Liam sighed. I nodded. He pecked my lips and ran up the stairs. "Zayn?" I looked in the living room and my dad was sitting on the couch. "What?" "It's 12am on Sunday.. Where the hell were you?!" "I went to a party" I lied. "With Liam?" I need to change the subject. "Mum didn't really die.. Did she Dad?" "You tell me Zayn. You were 'there' " My dad crossed his arms. "If you didn't notice there's a roof around the whole building in the middle of it. If mum jumped she couldn't lived. But someone could of pushed her.. And all this time I was wondering why they never found her body or had a funnel!" "Zayn I don't know what your talking about." "You damn well know what i'm talking about! You either pushed her or she's alive!" "Zayn I don't know where you get these things." "Just tell me the freaking Truth!" "Your mum is alive.." "And why couldn't you tell me?! She's my fucking mum" I was about to cry. "She didn't want you to know Zayn. She wrote me a letter and everything! Zayn she doesn't want anything to do with us!" "Maybe she doesn't want anything to do with you but she loved me..!" "If she loved you she would of told me to tell you." "Let me read the letter.." "Zayn." "LET ME READ THE DAMN LETTER!" My dad got out the couch and walked to his room. He came back and handed it to me. I walked up the stairs to get ready for bed. "I want that back when your done reading it Zayn." "You can take it when i'm dead" I growled and ran the rest of the stairs. I sat in bed and waited for Liam to come out of the shower. I hid the letter in my teddy bear's head. There has always been a cut on my bear's head so I took out some of the stuffing and put the letter in it's head. I then hid the bear under my bed. I sighed of the thought of my mum behind alive and not telling me. Who would do that? I just don't wanna think about it.. But I don't have to go to school tomorrow.. Only cause the wedding is tomorrow. I really hope Liam's mum is smart enough to call the wedding off. Even if it's in the middle of it. I would die if they really get married. I will still keep my promise to Liam and love him but I won't love my dad. I never did and I never will change that. I slipped into bed with my clothes still on and tried to sleep. I felt my bed sink. I felt arms wrapped around me. I turned around and saw Liam. He smiled at me. I nuzzled my head up on his chest and my my leg between his. I love Liam.. Forever and ever.. I feel asleep with Liam's warm body wrapped around mine.

My brother is confusing (Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now