3. I try so hard..

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Chapter 3. Liam

I laughed as me and Niall walked up to my house. "So as I was saying" Niall laughed and he rolled his eyes at me. Then there was a loud noise coming from my house. "What's that?" Niall stopped as we stood in front of the door. "Zayn" I growled and stormed inside. The place smelt like beer. There was loud music playing and like 100 people in my house! I ran up the steps to find Zayn. I pulled open the door and two people were making out on my bed. "OFF THE FREAKING BED" I yelled and threw a pillow at the two people. The girl made a face at me and walked away with the guy. I looked at Zayn's bed and there he was with that freaking brown haired lad! "ZAYN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Zayn shot his head up at me. Zayn pushed the guy off of him and looked at me. "What are you doing home" Zayn yelled over the music. "Uh- I don't know! Maybe i'm home cause I live here!" "Well leave" Zayn screamed and all the music went down and I noticed everyone was in my room staring at me and Zayn. "Liam let's go" Niall tried to grab my arm. "I try so hard to be nice to you Zayn! But all you do is tell me to fuck off or leave you alone! I'm your fucking brother! If you just tried once to be nice maybe I wouldn't care if people were here. Maybe I wouldn't care if you leaved me alone. I don't know Zayn! People can change but you don't know how to. You don't want to. I'm not asking you to change, I'm just asking you to be my fucking brother!" Zayn looked like he was gonna cry. "He doesn't need to listen to you" the brown haired guy who Zayn was kissing came up behind Zayn. I just looked at Zayn who was looking at me with his eyes looking like he was about to explode. "Say something Zayn!" "No.. He's right.. I am gonna stay this way and I will be your brother. I will that brother who hates his little brother! I will hate you forever Liam! And that's how it's gonna be. YOUR JUST A PAIN! YOUR NOTHING MORE THAN A FAG! YOU DON'T KNOW ME! HALF OF THESE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ME! But I thought you were gonna help me.. And this is not helping. At all" Zayn said that last part in a whisper. I hate people calling me a fag.. I get it! I'm gay! Just call me gay not a freaking fag. Anger started to take over. "DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME A FUCKING FAG ZAYN! I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO JUST GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" I yelled. I started to form a fist when Zayn was about to open his mouth. "No" Zayn smirked. I punched him. I felt my hand throbbing.. His lip was bleeding.. I don't know what I just did.. Zayn attacked me and threw me on my bed. He started throwing fist into my chest. "GET OFF OF HIM" Niall yelled and tried to pull Zayn off. He raised his fist to my face and then I black out...


I woke up with a snoring Niall next to me. I had a massive head ache.. I looked at Zayn who was sleeping on the floor with blood still on his lip. I remembered.. I quickly ran to the bathroom. I had a black eye with a messed up lip. I sighed and washed my face. All the blood went into the sink. I watched as it all went down. I sighed and slid onto the bathroom floor. I noticed the house was a mess. Why does he have to do these things? Why can't he be normal and just study or something? I really wish he was a nerd not a fucking bad ass. I sighed as I walked out of the bathroom. I saw Niall running down the steps. "Where you going" I yelled down to Niall. "Me and Greg have a football game today" Niall yelled back at me. I laughed and nodded. "Love ya Li! Hope your eye feels better" Niall pouted and walked out. I sighed, I need to wake up Zayn, he has to clean all of this up. I shook Zayn. "Go Away" Zayn moaned. "You need to clean the house mum and dad will be home in 3 hours" I sighed. Zayn sat up and looked at my eye. "I-I did that?" "Zayn you were there.. Now clean!" "Liam i'm so sorry-" "Zayn just stop and fucking clean" I yelled and just started to clean up a bit. "Li you don't need to help." "Don't call me that just clean downstairs" I sighed. Zayn shuffled down the stairs mumbling about something. All I got out was 'love' and 'retard' I don't know though. I hummed to myself as I cleaned up. I grabbed the trash can and threw some beer bottles in it and some other shit. Zayn confuses me. Last night he hated me and now he was all sorry. I know last night wasn't cause he was drunk, it was because his buddies were here. Hell, the whole school was here! Besides Harry.. Harry should of been here. He would of known what to do. But all I know is that after I clean all of this up and my mum gets home i'm going to Harry's house. I cleaned upstairs so I started to make my way down the stairs where Zayn was. I opened the door and started to head towards the garbage thing. Zayn was behind me. We both threw in out garbage at the same time. Beer from the bottles got everywhere. Me and Zayn laughed. "Turd" I giggled and grabbed a beer bottle and pointed it at Zayn. "Well your the one who threw the bag in" Zayn laughed and backed away from me. I poured the half of the beer bottle in Zayn's hair. "Dude! That was my hair" Zayn laughed and started to shake his freaking head like a dog. "Your such a weirdo" I laughed and ruffled Zayn's hair. I tripped over a rock and fell on Zayn. He caught me and smiled at me. I smiled back.. What was I about to do? I had no clue. "Liam I-" Zayn got cut off by someone yelling at us. "ZAYN! LIAM! Get out of the drive way" Mark laughed at us. I got off of Zayn and started to run to Harry's house. "Li! Where you going?" "To Harry's." "Can I come" Zayn smiled. I shook my head and just ran.. I just had a fucking romantic moment with my brother. I can't stay. I need to leave..


"Did you guys like almsost kiss" Harry looked at me. "NO! It seemed like we were about to! Then he was like 'Liam I' then he got cut off" I sighed. "It could be, Liam I love you, Liam I hate you, Liam I want your balls on my face" Harry laughed. I threw a pillow at Harry and rolled my eyes. "Well it could be! But i'm really thinking it is the first one." "Yeah But our parents are getting married.." "Well do you want to be with him?" "I don't know.. If he opens up or something.." "Then if you guys want to be together, STOP THE WEDDING! Simple! Cause brothers can't date" Harry smirked.. If Zayn really feels that way about me then maybe I can take the chance.. Only if he helps.. And if I get over Niall.. Yeah I doubt that.. Stupid idea Haz.

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