Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"No! They. Are! My. Friends." I sobbed uncontrollably wishing for it to be over. I wanted to quit to disappear completely. I wanted to feel safe and I wished desperately that my brother was here to swoop in and carry me away like he had done so many times before.

"They are your enemies! Threats! Traitors!" The man yelled viciously sparking me again. My skin seemed to steam and I had nothing more to scream, my voice was nearly gone, my energy fading each time. I struggled to remember what my name was. All I was aware of was the searing that flooded my veins. That turned my blood to fire,my thoughts to acid, my flesh to char, my heart to a puddle. My brain was growing foggy and my mental reserves were beginning to fade.

"Sir, her vitals are low." Came a voice over what I thought was a speaker. A growl sounded next to me and suddenly the screen shut off. I flinched at the sound of scraping metal expecting another shock. It didn't come but I refused to let my guard down. The door opened and the man exited and though I tried to look at him my vision was obscured and cloudy. As it shut I relaxed letting the tears flow now because I wanted them to.

"You are tougher than expected my dear. It seems we'll simply have to try harder." The man's voice sounded on the speaker filling every inch of space around me. I shivered hanging limply in my restraints. I can't do it. I can't make it through another day. My eyes closed involuntarily, I needed to stay alert but I couldn't. My muscles shivered on their own and my chest ached. My head throbbed and my muscles burned. I slipped into a restless fit of sleep.

I woke to the sound of the door fear gripping my heart. I watched as two silhouettes stalked into my room. I glared forcefully at them feeling a slight spike in my energy. Their footsteps were light despite the fact that the were wheeling in a large tub. From the sound of it something was sloshing around inside. I waited on edge expecting the images and shocks to come. When they didn't suspicion began to weep in.

"Release her." One of the men injected something in my arm and I felt my energy fade as did my alertness. They're taking my power. How? How can they do that? Struggling I tried to resist the needle but it only made it more painful. With my systems drained the straps around my wrists and legs were undone. I tried to run to lash out but my limbs were jelly. I collapsed of the ground feeling an intense wave of nausea. Following it came the burning sensation of bile. Someone dragged me towards the tub that they had rested on the ground.

"Cuff her and then let the Overseer in." Cold metal was wrapped around my hands and ankles matching the marks of the leather. The door creaked open again and the man from my nightmares entered. He gruffly raised me to my knees taking my closer to the tub. As I rested centimeters away I could feel the heat radiating off of it. Flinching I tried to scramble away from it but a hand clamped down around the back of my neck.

"Clever girl. You know what's about to happen. Let's see how long you last." With that my head was plunged forward into a scalding liquid. It burned searing my nerves and I screamed trying to breath but sucking in a lungful of burning liquid. I was pulled out coughing and spluttering before the water was vomited from my lungs. "Where are your friends?"

I thought you had them. Wasn't this another day? It couldn't be the same day could it? Oh God, could it? Then again time seemed to flow differently here. Clamping my mouth shut I refused to answer. My head was wrenched forward and the scalding water consumed me again. I was held there longer this time and my lungs threatened to explode.

"Where are they?" The man screamed in my ear as I was pulled out again for a brief moment i realized there were two people in the room. One was different looking, more feminine. Spluttering I shook my head. I wouldn't give them up no matter what. Angrily he grabbed me and lifted with power. Thrashing I tried to escape but suddenly I was in the tub. My whole body was burning like before but in a different way. I thrashed trying to get my bearings? I needed to get out. I couldn't breath. My pulse sped at the speed of a freight train. Gathering myself I got to my knees trying to break the surface but feeling a rough hand holding me under. My mouth open and I breathed in forcefully only to feel my throat and chest burn. I was drowning. My vision was blurring and my head reeled. As I stood on the verge of blacking out I was yanked from my watery depths.

Landing on the hard ground I shivered retching uncontrollably. Water spewed from my mouth and the word I finally managed to fill my lungs burned just as bad as the scalding water. My head was foggy and I curled up on myself desperate to be free but knowing that I had no escape. My heart crumpled and I felt all of the fight in me slowly drain out. Just like before the process was repeated again and again until I was screaming and crying. When the man realized it wasn't working I felt his fist connect with my face. My head snapped backwards pain exploding. Ceiling up I tried to protect myself from his onslaught.

"Where are they?" He screamed beating me all the while. Each blow was more painful than the last. Don't do it. I tried to convince myself to hold out but my entire being was telling me to give up. You can't. I have to, I have to. They depend on you. You depended on them and look where it's gotten you.

"Stop!" I shrieked but it was no use. I was being broken without anything I could do to stop it. Don't. Please do, make it stop. You can't tell him. I have to! I have to! God please make it stop! Stop! Stop! STOP! "THEY'RE IN A CAVE IN THE MOUNTAINS CALLED THE MOUNT, IT'S BY THE SADDLE!"

There were a few more hits for emphasis before he stopped laughing in delight. Suddenly a wave of scalding water was dumped over me and I cried out in pain. He yanked me to me feet and dragged me back to the table where I was strapped back in again.

"No one is unbreakable." His words echoed in my head as he left and I screamed in hate, at myself at him. I had broken, I caved and it was my fault they were going to win. It was my fault Natasha was on her way here, it would be my fault. All of it was. I hated myself, it bubbled up strongly from within and exploded outwards. I screamed and cried and thrashed until I drove myself to complete exhaustion.

The shocks were stronger than last time and all of my mental resolve had fled me. It was completely gone and I remained abandoned stuck in self turmoil. The images of everyone flashed across the screen again and again but I struggled to remember them. The man's voice thundered in my head consuming my thoughts and as I dozed off I could hear his words again and again. Repeating constantly over and over. Until I could think nothing else and each time the images of people flashed against the back of my eyelids. Who were they? Again and again they came and I was swarmed with words to match  these pictures.

Another shock disrupted my thoughts. Glancing at the screen I saw the image of a man with his bow drawn a scary but determined look etched in his features. He stood atop the ruined streets of a city. He's dangerous.

"Who is this?" The man whom I had become so familiar with asked patiently.

"His name is Clint Barton. He is a member of the Avengers. He is my..." I paused struggling for the word. Closing my eyes the pain from the past hours, the words, the images all swirled in my head.

"He is what?" The man asked calling me back to reality and somehow bringing a calm to the storm that rested inside of me.

"My enemy."

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