"Class, settle down." My chemistry teacher told us. " Please take a writing utensil out and I want an essay on last night's homework." Most of the class groaned and I smiled. I was probably the only one that did the homework.

"Hey, do you have a pencil?" I turned around confused as Riley looked at me like he never saw me in his life. I have been in the same classes with him for almost three years now...unbelievable. But I smiled anyway.

"Yah I have one." I shoveled around my bag and turned around to give him a pencil but he already had one. Great someone else gave him one...

When class finished I made my way toward my calculus class that was followed by English then vocals.

When all of my classes finished I headed toward the cafeteria and sat at a table by myself. It was a couple of tables away from the popular table so I could look at Riley if I wanted to without getting caught. Victoria and Chace sat there too along with Shayne, Jake, Noah, and Aiden then the "it girls" Shannon and her groupies. I ate my packed lunch sandwich by myself while I studied for next class's French test. In that class I had Chace in it and he was an idiot. He always sat by me so he could copy my work but I would write something down and when he looked away I wrote the correct answer. So he was failing that class...I think.

"Hello?" said a snobby voice. I turned around with my sandwich in hand and stared at Shannon.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"Will you stop drooling over the guys at our table and keep to yourself geek?"

"I wasn't staring though-"

"Don't lie when I saw you! Keep it up and I will ruin your life." She said before she turned around in her five-inch heels. I quickly ate the rest of my food and grabbed my things to line up outside of French class. I liked being first to class so I could pick a seat and I wanted to avoid the crowded hallways.

"Nice seeing you here as always." My gorgeous French teacher said to me as I entered his class. His brown hair fell over his eyes and his green eyes sparkled with interest. He was very good looking and only twenty-two, fresh out of college and just happened to get a job here right away because of his outstanding record.

"Yah people just aren't my for-tay." I said smirking.

"Well if you need to talk you can always eat in here. The teachers are way to old at this school and I eat in my class room."

"I'm going to have to take your word on that. I eat alone too." I said sighing and taking a seat.

My French teacher Mr. Calvin told me once that he was, should I say geeky like me in high school and his friends helped him to get a new look which is how he turned out looking like a male model then more of a teacher. So he understood how I felt and he was probably the only friend I had at this school.

"So did you study for the test?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I said as the bell rang and a student walked in. "Bien sûr que j'ai fait. Je suis probablement le seul aussi." I said in French so students wouldn't listen in on our conversation. (Of course I did. I'm probably the only one too.)

"Au moins je sais qui va passer ce test. Tout le monde dans celycée stupides ne pensequ'à l'image." He replied. " (At least I know who is going to pass this test. Everyone in this stupid high school only thinks about image.)

"Accepté" I said. (Agreed) When the class was filled up Mr. Calvin passed around the tests. The seat next to me was empty and as usual Chace walked in late and put his bag in the seat next to me. I watched as Mr. Calvin put on teacher mode and stared at Chace.

"Excusez-moi, mais Mr.Sullivant pourquoi êtes-vous en retard, encore une fois?" Mr. Calvin said. (Excuse me Mr. Sullivant but why are you late, again?")

"Can't you speak in English?" Chace said.

"Where were you?"

"I had people to see." He said shrugging.

"Well I hope you studied for today's test then." Mr. Calvin said before resuming to passing out tests.

"You may begin class." He said before walking over to his desk and reading one of my favorite books, The Giver.

I dashed through the writing response and all the fill in the blank questions. The multiple-choice answers I always saved for last because they were so easy.

When I finished I brought it up to his desk.

"Fait." I said handing him the test and smiling. (Done).

"How was it?" he asked me.

"Super easy. Plus you're reading one of my favorite books."

"Really? I have read this book like fifteen times." He said laughing. The class looked at us weird as they looked over their tests.

When class ended Mr. Calvin made sure that I would come to class tomorrow for lunch and I happily agreed. Maybe the last four months of school wouldn't be that bad after all. If I kept all my grades up the school said I could easily skip year 12 and I could go straight to college, which would look great on my applications.

Next was physics and dance. I didn't just study all the time, which was why I had vocal and dance class. I would have sighed up for more classes but colleges usually like that your involved with more stuff, which was fine with me because I needed a break every once in a while. I loved singing and dancing but no one knew I did it. I was more of a group dancer and singer then soloist.

When all my classes finished I took a shower from being sweaty from dance class and took my time to the gymnasium where the basketball game was being held.

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