When I arrived at school Kiona was standing right at my locker. When she saw me she immediately engulfed me in a hug. "Jesus child," she hissed when she pulled away. "You could've called a bitch and told her you were okay. Tyson and Kevante were freaking out when you wouldn't answer their calls and texts."

"I had a rough day." I told her and gave her The Look.

"Again Kiërra?" She was now angry. "You need to tell your dad about your mom abusing you." She said as I opened my locker. "It's been going on for too long."

I got out my books for first period and closed my locker. "I handled it for three years so I could handle it for a few more months. I turn 18 in July."

"Whatever, I just don't want nothing bad to happen to you. Chica, you're my best friend, I'm suppose to worry." She said with a half smile.

I returned the smile and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Yes, I know KiKi but I'm fine. I promise." Just as I said that the bell rang signaling that we had to go to homeroom. "I'll see you later." I told her.

"Alright." She gave me a hug and we went our separate ways.

As soon as I got to homeroom I was called down to The Headmistress' office. I groaned and walked back out of class and headed downstairs to The Headmistress office. I knocked on the big polished doors and they opened. I slowly walked in and spotted Headmistress sitting at her desk. I wonder if these doors are automatic cause they keep opening when she's no where near them.

"Have a seat Ms. Miracle," Headmistress said when she looked up from whatever she was doing on her desk. "I have great news for you."

I walked over to her desk and took a seat across from her. "Good morning Headmistress." I said politely.

"Good morning Miracle," she smiled. "I called you down here to tell you your test result from Friday." She said. I felt my heartbeat speed up and palms started to sweat. She pulled out a thick pack of papers stabled together out her orange folder. "I have to say Miracle," She slid the package over to me. "Those are some very impressive marks. Good job."

I picked up the package and looked at it. On the top right corner there was a big 95% circled in red ink. I squealed. "Oh my gosh." I wanted to scream and jump for joy but I knew it wasn't appropriate at the moment. "Here is your new schedule. You start your new classes today. You're dismissed."

I thanked her and ran out her office and down the hall to Kiona's homeroom. "Hello Ms. Sarah, may I borrow Kiona for a few minutes?" I asked nicely.

Before her homeroom teacher could reply, Kiona was already out her seat and making her way towards me. She grabbed my hand pulled me out the class. "You didn't have to ask her Kiërra," Kiona chuckled. "Ms. Sarah is cool."

I ignored her statement and told her what I had to tell her. "No fucking way!" She said when I told her I was skipping a grade. She then grabbed my schedule from my hand. "We have every class together!" She cheered.

This day just took a turn for the better.


Getting my test results back and seeing that I'm graduating early was literally the best thing that ever happened to me. Mom's been slightly nicer, just slightly, dad added five thousand dollars to my bank account and Davion bought me two new pairs of Jordans and Adidas. It's basically Christmas in October.

Mom been trying to be friends with me but I'm not havin' it. She really needs to leave me alone before I really start to resent her. I had texted Kevante and Tyson back and showed up at rehearsals to let them know I was okay. I could tell they both knew I really wasn't but they didn't question it and I was glad.

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