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Luke's p.o.v.

"Luke honey , can you come here?" My mom asks 'politely' .

I sigh and go to her room.

"Yes mother?"

"I called Evan. He's gonna take you out tonight on a romantic date."

As if .

"Mother please. I don't want to be with Evan anymore!"

"Why not?! He's the perfect guy for you! He's good looking , charming , kind."

That's what you think.

"Not even! Plus even if he was all that which he is not. I just don't like him like that."

"I don't see why not."

"Mom! You can't force me to be with someone just because it's you want me to and cause for reputation. It's my life , my interests not yours."

"Lucas . I said what I said . Don't say anything else."

"No. I'm done with Evan and I don't care what you say!" I stomp my foot and turn around going downstairs.

"Do you need to be driven somewhere , Mr. Hemmings?" My butler Mark asks.

I don't know whether I should let him drive me there or I should just drive myself because what if he says something to my mom? I'd be fucked.

"It's okay. Mr. Hemmings I won't say anything."

"Mark I told you to just call me Luke and yeah I need to go on the alleyway on the 96th street."

"Mr. H-- I mean Luke. Sir , that is a very bad street."

"I'll be fine Mark. I know someone there."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Now can we please go?"

"Oh alright." He grabs the keys to the Porsche and he takes me to Calum.

"Hiya!" I say to Calum cheerfully.

"Hey baby girl." He chuckles.

"I thought I was princess?"

"Oh so now you like that nickname?" He smirks.

"No of course not. I just didn't think you'd have more nicknames."

Lie . I love being called nicknames like baby girl , Princess , and beautiful to be honest. Especially by Calum.

"M'okay. Anyway I just realized you didn't come here with your boyfriend. Where is he?"

"He was suppose to take me out on a date tonight because my mom made the plans but I got mad at her and told her I was done with Evan so when I see him , I'm dump his rude ass."

"Good. He was douchebag. That is no way to treat your lover even if the relationship is forced."

"Yeah well I don't really care because he's not my problem anymore so."

"What about your mom?"

"She's gonna have take it and if she doesn't want to then it's her problem."

"So feisty baby girl, I like it." Calum winks.

I roll my eyes but I can feel a blush rising upon my cheeks.

"So why aren't you smoking today?"

"Because I'm a dumbass and forgot to go get some more this morning."

"What were you doing that you were so busy?" I chuckle.

"None of your business." He spats.

"Well damn. All I did was ask!"

"I know , sorry."

I just roll my eyes.

"Do you wanna go somewhere?"


"We could go to the movies?"

"I mean I guess but I don't think theirs any good movies out right now."

"Oh right. Okay , let's go eat considering you were about to anyway."

"Okay but where's your car?"

He leaves the alley and goes to his car.

I see his car and cringe.

"What? You've never been on a motorcycle?"

"Hell no. Them bitches are dangerous as fuck!"

"Not really , you just gotta be cautious."

"I'm not getting on with you." I cross my arms.

He shrugs and walks up to me.

"W-What are you--?!"

Then he picks me up and sits me right down on the bike and then gets in front of me.

"Here's your helmet." He hands me a dark blue helmet with a naked girl on it. Ewh .

"It's just a damn helmet Luke. If you want , I'll get you another prettier one. Now please put it on so we can go already.

I groan but put it on anyway.

He starts the motorcycle.

"Hold on tight princess , this is gonna be super fast." He pulls the handle back then forward.

I wrap my arms around his bid tightly.

Then we start going really fast

"HOLY SHIT!" I yell out scared.

He just laughs.

»stg , I fucking hate people. I ask for some help and they just ignore me but when they come to me for something there I am being the dumbass I am and help them out. Well fuck that , I'm a just leave yo ass on seen.

»anyway, I finally got pj's with penguins on them 😂 so yay.

»um... Bye I guess.



☾smoke ☾» cakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang