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Luke pov

Honestly , last night was a bust. Even from the beginning it was.

My mom couldn't be any more mad than she already is at me. Like literally this morning all she said was 'I'm going out , don't expect me to be back tonight' then she left.

This is what went down the night before.

I sat down next to Evan because we were forced to.

"So Liz , have you seen the new play?" Mrs. Peters asks.

I roll my eyes.

They always talk about this.

"Is it the one with Cher Latifah?"

(I barely know people who do plays sorry 😂)

"Yes! Did you see how she read that line so properly?"

"Indeed I did , it was fantastic!"

The conversation went on until the dinner came.

I unwrapped my silverware and started eating the shrimp lasagna.

"So , Lucas?"

I swallow my food before answering her.

"Yes , Mrs. Peters?"

"How have you and Evan been doing?"

"Wonderful." I fake smile.

"That's great! You know why?"


"Well your mom and I have been talking about it for a while and well..."

"Lucas honey , you're going to get married."

"Really?! I hope it's with Grant Gustin because--"

"No Lucas. Evans mom and I decided that you and Evan are gonna get married."

I choke on my food.

Evan spits out his water.

"What?!" He yells while standing up.

"Evan! Sit down!" His dad snarls.

"Hell no!"

Everyone gasps and I chuckle.

"How dare you use that foul language?!"

"I'm so sick and tired of this! First! You make Luke and I date forcibly! Now you are making us get married!? I don't fucking like him! He's a fugly slut!"

Oh hell to the no!

I stand up from my chair and slam my fists onto the table.

"For your fucking information you stupid ass , I feel the same way. I didn't even like you when I first saw you! I thought you looked like a old moldy banana and you still do! Looks like puberty didn't do a good job to you. Oh wait , it hasn't even hit you yet!"

☾smoke ☾» cakeWhere stories live. Discover now