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(Okay so like I don't -- I don't know what to do with this story anymore so I'm probably just gonna end it at 12 or 15 .. Yeah I'm really sorry .. )
What Luke is wearing ^



I was currently at the park with Calum holding hands with him.

I'm surprised he was the one who grabbed mine first.

The least to say over these past few weeks , I have taken a strong liking in Calum and not as a friend but I don't think he likes me like that.

Plus I'm pretty sure he doesn't want any relationships right now so I guess I'll just have to suffer.

I saw the ice cream man with his little white cart.

"Ooh! Cal! I want ice cream!" I squeal.

Yeah. I still get excited over ice cream , get over yourself.

"Sure babe , I'll buy it for you." Calum chuckles.

We walk up and I look for my favorite kind.

Found it.

"Sir. Can I have the pink and blue one?" I ask nicely.

"For a pretty boy like you , absolutely." He dips his hand in the cart and grabs it.

I blush but Calum does not seem amused by the look on his face.

"Here you go princess."

I cringe.

"Okay hell no. Bro ? Can you not see that he has a boyfriend ??" Calum growls at him.

"I don't fucking care dude. I can hit on him if I want. Tell me , is he good in bed?"

Calum raises his fist and punches the guy the face hard.

The guy falls back and grabs his nose , mewling.

"Tell me , how does it feel to be hit on?" Calum remarks towards him and pulls me away.


No answer but he's starting to hurt my wrist.

"Calum! Stop! You're hurting me!" I push him with my other hand.

He lets go and turns to face me.

"I'm sorry baby boy. I'm just so angry at that guy!"

"But why? It's not like we are dating or anything .."

"But you're mine."

"I'm not yours , you didn't ask me to be."

"Look I -- I can't be in a relationship with you."

"Why not?"

My heart sinks.

"Look princess , I really really like you trust me but I just can't stay tied up."

"Oh I'm sorry so you wanna be with more than one person?"

"It's not that I wanna be with anyone else it's just that I can't control myself so like I don't wanna be the one to cheat you."

"Yeah well maybe I can't control my feelings."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." I mumble.

"No tell me."

"Forget what I said."

"I wanna fucking know!"

"You wanna know?! My problem is that I have fallen for your stupid ass and I can't do anything about it!" I yell at him.

"Please tell me that's not true.."

This fucker.

"Oh yes Calum! Because I can just brush off how I feel."

"Fuck Luke , I'm sorry .."

I didn't notice I was starting to cry until I felt a tear drop on my arm.

"Yeah well I'm sorry too."

"For what?"

"For meeting your drug attic ass in the alleyway."

Then I run off calling Mark to come pick me up.


»no. bye.



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