Chapter 18

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I decided to write this chapter in Gray's POV for a change. I know some of you really want to know what he thinks about all the things happening in his life. Enjoy!

Gray's POV:

I was in a dark place and I'm finding it difficult to breathe. I tried to search for any source of light or even air but I couldn't. I feel tired, desperate and cold. I am an ice mage, and yet this place makes me feel cold. Where is everyone? Where are my friends? I tried to remember how did I get here but my mind feels completely blank. I have no idea what even happened before I came here.

But I do have a feeling that I was trying to find someone; someone who is very important to me. I want to save that someone. I clinched my hands in a tight fist and tried to calm myself. I wouldn't let this darkness get the best of me. I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings.
First there was only silence, but then there was a buzzing noise. I focused all my attention to that sound. Another minute passed but the buzzing is the only sound I heard. I let out a breath and opened my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw a tunnel opening in front of me.

I walked towards it and felt the wind blowing softly. If there's wind, there may be an exit. I decided to follow the tunnel and see where it leads me. I stayed close to the walls and used it as a guide. I took a turn for how many times before I heard it. I stopped and focused again.


I looked ahead of me when I heard that voice. My heart pounded as I tried to listen to it again. I know that it's a woman's voice but I don't know whose it from.


My eyes widened when I realized that this time, the voice was mine and it came from the deeper part of the tunnel. I ran and listened as the same time.

"I want to spend every minute with you," That was me again and this time it was louder and clearer.

"Don't leave me, okay? I don't know what I'll do if you'll leave me,"

I took up speed when I heard that voice. I know that I know that voice but I don't know what's wrong with me that I can't remember it. All I know is that I should get to that voice as fast as possible. I took a sharp turn and let out a breath when I saw light at the end of the tunnel.
"I can do a lot of messed up things, but leaving you isn't in my list of things I want to do,"

I can finally reach it and get out of this darkness. I was in front of the light. I reached out and the light pulled me towards it. The talking stopped and the sound of silence enveloped my entire surrounding.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I notice was that I was in the infirmary. I sat up and saw Lucy sleeping at the foot of my bed. She stirred and opened her eyes. When she saw me, her eyes began to water.

"Gray!" she shouted and hugged me. It was very tight and she was sobbing loudly. I didn't say anything as she cried and cried.

She finally pulled away from me.
"Are you alright? Do you feel any pain?" she asked.

"Uh...I feel fine, Lucy," I looked around "Where are the others and what happened?"

"They'll come here later since they spent the entire night watching you," she said "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" she suddenly stood up "I'll call Master and Porlyusica and tell them that you're awake now,"

"Lucy wait," I said as I grab her arm "What happened exactly? Why don't I have a memory of what happened?"

She stopped and turned to me, her expression unreadable "You don't remember anything that happened?"

I shook my head "No, that's why I'm asking you. I feel like I missed something important,"

Lucy let out a shaky breath "W-what's the last thing you remember?"

I thought hard and then turned to Lucy "I went back to my house right after I asked you to go on a job with me. After that, I can't remember anything,"

Lucy didn't say anything and she looks like she's lost in her own thoughts. Well, she's always lost in her own thoughts but this time she's being weird.

She pulled her arm slowly from my grip "Umm...I-I'll just talk to M-master, Gray. I'll be back. Just, just stay here,"

"Hey Lucy, are you okay?" I asked "You look pale,"

She avoided my eyes and turned around "I-I'm fine. I'll call Master to check up on you,"

She went out of the door and closed it behind her. I slowly stood up from my bed and look at the time. It was still early morning. I saw the calendar and walked towards it. My eyes widened when I saw the month; October. The door suddenly opened and I found Master Makarov.

I turned to him clutching the calendar in my hand "What is the meaning of this, Master?"I asked as I kept my voice steady "The last time I remembered, the month was August. What the hell happened to me?"
Hey guys! So what do you think about this chapter? Should I do more chapters with Gray's POV in it? ComVo all you want.

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