Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I felt as if someone just threw a bomb at me "What?"

Juvia wiped her eyes "You see, I made a love potion for Master Gray; you know I always do that. I thought it would fail because all of my potions always did but it didn't. It actually worked, Lucy,"

"Okay, so what happened then?" I asked. I want to get to the bottom of this.

"I made him a wine last night and served it at the bar, it was actually my potion. He drank it and I thought that he would fell in love with me but he didn't. He returned home after that. I went to his house first thing in the morning but he wasn't there and I just learned that he came to you and now it's all a mess," she said as tears started to pour from her face again.

"Why is it a mess?" I asked.

"You see, I read in a book that that love potion needs a 12 hour time period in order to take effect. I rushed to his house first thing in the morning, but he went to yours,"

"Yeah, he was asking me to do a mission with him," I answered.

"You see, the potion works with the very first girl the drinker sees after the 12 hour time period, which means it took effect on Gray right after he saw you,"

I was dumb-founded by that idea "What? But he was fine when I talked to him this morning," I said trying to escape this reality.

"Is he? You didn't notice anything wrong with him?" she asked.

I thought then I remembered "Wait, he said that he was having a head ache and he keeps massaging his temple,"

She let out a sigh "There's your first sign. I'm really sorry Lucy,"

Oh no, this can't be happening. I thought that we'll only pretending to fall in love with each other, but it seems that he's really in love with me. What am I talking about? He is in love with me. I look back at Gray and he waved at me. So he wasn't pretending at all. I turned to Juvia again,

"But we can reverse it right? The potion can't work forever right?" I asked, desperate for her to say yes.

She bit her lip "Uh, I think I might have made it to lasts forever. All of my love-potions are made to take effect forever,"

"What?" I yelled in disbelief. I look around and found that everyone was staring at me. I gave them an apologetic look before turning back to Juvia again "Juvia, we have to find a cure. This can't stay like this forever,"

"I'll research some more and find a cure for this but in the meantime. I'm very sorry Lucy," she apologized.

"It's okay. You just didn't realize that this would happen, it's not your fault," I said as I gave her a smile "Maybe it will be helpful if you ask Levy for help on the researching?" I offered.

Her face brightens "That's right. I'll go ask her now," she began to walk away from me but then she turned around "Please take care of him Lucy,"

I smiled "I'll try. He's stubborn sometimes,"

She smiled too and then she continued walking away from me. I let out a sigh. I really hope that they can find a cure for this. I don't want this kind of life. I mean, Gray is a pretty good-looking guy and he's kind too but I'm still not ready yet. I never dreamed or even imagined that I'd just wake up someday and have a boyfriend. This is so mess up. I felt someone holding my hand and I turned around and saw Gray. I was about to snap at him again when I remembered that he was in love with me and I was supposed to be in love with him too which I'm not.

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